Lua ʻO Palehemo

Hawaiʻi the Big Island

An old saying goes: 'If you have seen all Kaʻu, but have not seen Palehemo, you have not seen Kaʻu.' This is likely less about the brackish historic watering hole itself than about the commanding view of Kaʻu's east and west regions meeting along the flank of massive Mauna Loa. It is believed that the original inhabitants survived off of fresh water that once floated on top of this anchialine pool (connected to the ocean via underground channels).

The endangered anchialine pool shrimp (Vetericaris chaceorum) lives here, and the site is considered sacred, so no swimming (locals, however, do). It's a windy 0.5-mile walk east of the boat hoist.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Hawaiʻi the Big Island attractions


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2. Kalalea Heiau

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3. Boat Hoist

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4. Morse Field

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5. Pakini Nui Wind Farm

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6. Green Sand Beach

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7. Kamaoa Wind Farm

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