Must-see attractions in Thrace & Marmara

  • View of Selimiye mosque in Edirne, Turkey. Unesco heritage site. Famous works of Ottoman architecture. Selimiye Mosque, designed by Mimar Sinan in 1575.

    Selimiye Mosque


    Designed by Ottoman architect Mimar Koca Sinan (1497–1588), whose best-known works adorn İstanbul's skyline, this exquisite World Heritage–listed mosque…

  • Museum of Troy

    Thrace & Marmara

    The Museum of Troy's rust-coloured cube, rising from sunbaked earth, is a spectacular multi-floor showcase of the archeological layers of the historic…

  • Kilitbahir Castle Museum

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    Reopened in 2019 as a museum focussing on Ottoman and maritime history, this sprawling castle was originally built by Mehmet the Conqueror in 1452 and…

  • Roman Theatre, Troy IX, Archaeological site of ancient Troy (UNESCO World Heritage List, 1998), Hisarlik, Turkey

    Ruins of Troy

    Thrace & Marmara

    If you come to Troy expecting a rebuilt ancient city along the lines of Ephesus, you'll be disappointed. The site resembles an overgrown archaeological…

  • Sancaklar Camii

    Thrace & Marmara

    Cutting-edge architects are rarely given commissions to design religious buildings in modern-day Turkey, and as a result most contemporary mosques are…

  • Gallipoli Campaign Historic Site

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    Set within the 33,500 hectares of the Gallipoli Peninsula, this historic site protects the cemeteries and battlefields of the Anzac campaign. There are…

  • Grand Synagogue of Edirne


    Reopened in 2016 after a 36-year closure and a five-year US$2.5 million restoration project, Edirne's Grand Synagogue is the sole reminder of when a…

  • Lone Pine Cemetery

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    Lone Pine is perhaps the most moving of all the Anzac cemeteries. Australian forces captured the Turkish positions here on the afternoon of 6 August 1915…

  • Museum of Health


    The extremely beautiful darüşşifa (hospital) and tip medresesi (medical school) in the Sultan Beyazıt II mosque complex now house this museum tracing the…

  • Chunuk Bair New Zealand Cemetery & Memorial

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    Chunuk Bair (Conk Bayiri in Turkish) was the first objective of the Allied landing in April 1915, and is now the site of of this cemetery and memorial,…

  • Nek

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    On the morning of 7 August 1915, the 8th (Victorian) and 10th (Western Australian) Regiments of the third Light Horse Brigade vaulted out of their…

  • Anzac Cove (Anzac Koyu)

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    Initial Anzac landing site on the ill-fated morning of 25 April 1915.

  • Sarayiçi


    It was here, in the 15th century, that Sultan Murat II built the Eski Sarayı (Old Palace). Little remains of this grand structure, which was blown up just…

  • Kaleiçi


    Roughly translated, kaleiçi means 'inside the castle'. In Edirne it is used to describe the old streets to the south of Talat Paşa Caddesi and west of…

  • Sultan Beyazıt II Mosque Complex


    Standing in splendid isolation on the banks of the Tunca River, this complex was commissioned by Sultan Beyazıt II and built between 1484 and 1488. The…

  • Old Mosque


    Though not as prominent on Edirne's skyline as the Selimiye and Üç Şerefeli mosques, the Eski (Old) Mosque is an important landmark in the city and has a…

  • Çanakkale Epic Promotion Centre

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    If visiting Gallipoli independently, it's a good idea to start your tour at this high-tech museum roughly 1km east of the village of Kabatepe. It…

  • Üç Şerefeli Mosque


    Edirne's merkez (town centre) is visually dominated by this mosque, which was built by order of Sultan Murat II between 1437 and 1447 and has four…

  • Muradiye Mosque


    Built for Sultan Murat II between 1426 and 1436, this mosque interestingly once housed a Mevlevi (whirling dervish) lodge. The mosque's T-shaped plan has…

  • Dardanelles Straits Naval Command Museum


    At the southern end of the kordon (waterfront promenade), a park lies dotted with guns, cannons and military artefacts. Near the park entrance is this…

  • Rákóczi Museum

    Thrace & Marmara

    This house museum is a shrine to Prince Ferenc (Francis) II Rákóczi (1676–1735), who led the first Hungarian uprising against the Habsburgs between 1703…

  • Tepeköy

    Thrace & Marmara

    Great for an island stay, this Greek village surrounded by scree-covered hills offers spectacular views over the countryside. Its stone houses once…

  • Zeytinli

    Thrace & Marmara

    Zeytinli is surrounded by green-grey scree-covered hills, with spectacular views over the countryside. It's an idyllic base for an island stay. Once in…

  • Edirne Turkish & Islamic Art Museum


    The small rooms of the elegant darül Hadis (Hadith school) in the northeastern corner of the Selimiye Mosque's courtyard house an eclectic collection of…

  • Edirne Archaeology & Ethnography Museum


    This museum has two sections: one archaeological and the other ethnographic. Archaeological highlights include Thracian funerary steles featuring horsemen…

  • French War Memorial & Cemetery

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    The rarely visited French cemetery is extremely moving, with rows of metal crosses and five white-concrete ossuaries each containing the bones of 3000…

  • Çanakkale'nin Evlatları


    Located right on Çanakkale's waterfront, this compact installation combines black and white battle footage and contemporary interviews to tell the story…

  • Kent Müzesi


    The lives of Çanakkale's residents since Ottoman times are the focus of this small museum, which has drawn on oral histories for the content of many of…

  • Selimiye Foundation Museum


    This museum is housed in a handsome building in the Selimye Mosque's külliye (mosque complex; in a medrese in the southeastern corner of the courtyard)…

  • Arcadia Vineyards


    The highly regarded Arcadia Vineyards, an hour's drive southeast of Edirne, is most definitely worth a detour en route to/from İstanbul or the Gallipoli…

  • Çimenlik Kalesi


    This compact castle was built by order of Mehmet the Conqueror in 1452, and is now a small military museum containing exhibits on the Gallipoli battles…

  • Baby 700 Cemetery

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    Named after its height above sea level in feet, Baby 700 was the limit of the initial Allied attack, and the graves here are mostly dated 25 April. It's…

  • Nusrat Mine-Layer


    Board the replica of the Nusrat mine-layer, which played a significant role in the Çanakkale Naval Victory. Admission is included in the ticket for the…

  • Barbare


    Barbare is just outside Tekirdağ on the road to the Gallipoli Peninsula. The winery has a pleasant rural aspect, and stand-out red wine varietals include…

  • Brighton Beach

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    Near Kabatepe village, Brighton Beach was a favourite swimming spot for Anzac troops during the campaign. Today, this is the only officially sanctioned…

  • Arıburnu Sahil Anıtı

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    Moving Turkish monument inscribed with Atatürk's famous words of peace and reconciliation spoken in 1934. After restoration in 2017, it was reinstated in…

  • Cape Helles British Memorial

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    This British memorial is a commanding stone obelisk erected in honour of the 20,000-plus Britons and Australians who perished in this area and have no…

  • Düztepe Monument

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    The Düztepe Monument marks the spot where the Ottoman 10th Regiment held the line. Views of the Dardanelles and the surrounding countryside are superb…

  • Johnston's Jolly

    Gallipoli Peninsula

    Allied cemetery 200m from Lone Pine cemetery, accessed by a road that marks what was the thin strip of no-man's land between the Turkish and Allied…