

Hornos' panoramic medieval castle now houses, curiously enough, a modern astronomy interpretation centre and planetarium. Exhibits are devoted to the universe, galaxies, the solar system and the history of astronomy, with English or French audio guides included in the ticket price. The planetarium presents projections in Spanish and English on astronomical themes.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Andalucía attractions


1. Iglesia de la Asunción

0.09 MILES

The early-16th-century Iglesia de la Asunción has the oldest plateresque portal in the province, plus a vibrant and colourful retablo (altarpiece) with…


2. Baños Árabes

6.66 MILES

Built around 1150, probably for the local ruler Ibn ben Hamusk, these Arab baths at the foot of the village have the usual three rooms (for cold,…


3. Castillo de Segura

6.81 MILES

This lofty castle dates from Moorish times but was rebuilt after the Christian conquest in the 13th century. Abandoned in the 17th century, it was…


4. Embalse del Tranco


This 20km-long reservoir sits in the midst of the park. It's formed by a dam near Tranco village, holding back the waters of the Río Guadalquivir.


6. Cerrada de Elías

16.61 MILES

One of the highlights of the Río Borosa walk, where the path takes to a wooden walkway above the waters of the river as it passes through a narrow gorge.


7. Central Eléctrica

17.21 MILES

This small hydroelectric station is a landmark on the Río Borosa walk, with a delicious freshwater spring flowing out from beneath a fig tree in front of…
