One of the highlights of the Río Borosa walk, where the path takes to a wooden walkway above the waters of the river as it passes through a narrow gorge.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
28.99 MILES
This famous chapel, built between 1536 and 1559, is the flagship of Úbeda Renaissance architecture. Commissioned by Francisco de los Cobos y Molina as his…
23.33 MILES
This lofty castle dates from Moorish times but was rebuilt after the Christian conquest in the 13th century. Abandoned in the 17th century, it was…
9.84 MILES
In a stunningly picturesque and panoramic perch on a rocky pinnacle towering over pretty La Iruela village, this ancient fortification is well worth the…
Palacio de Vázquez de Molina
29.09 MILES
Úbeda's ayuntamiento (town hall) is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful – if not the most beautiful – in Spain. It was built by Vandelvira in about 1562…
29.12 MILES
The medieval Sinagoga del Agua was discovered in 2006 by a refreshingly ethical property developer who intended to build apartments here, only to discover…
10.86 MILES
Cazorla's dramatic Castle of the Ivy, a 700m walk above Plaza de Santa María, offers superb views and houses the interesting Museum of the Upper…
Plaza Vázquez de Molina
29.07 MILES
The lovely Plaza Vázquez de Molina is the monumental heart of Úbeda's old town and the perfect place to start exploring. An early case of Andalucian urban…
29.19 MILES
Úbeda's fascinating Casa Museo Andalusí comprises a 16th-century private home that was inhabited by conversos (Jews who converted to Christianity) and a…
Nearby Andalucía attractions
1.53 MILES
This small hydroelectric station is a landmark on the Río Borosa walk, with a delicious freshwater spring flowing out from beneath a fig tree in front of…
2. Embalse de los Órganos
2.31 MILES
You reach this picturesque reservoir after passing through two tunnels on the Río Borosa walk.
2.45 MILES
The Río Borosa begins life here, welling out from under a rock. It's the usual end point for the Río Borosa walk and there's a perfect picnic spot beneath…
6.64 MILES
The A319, heading northeast from Cazorla, enters the natural park after 7km, at Burunchel, then winds 6km up to the 1200m Puerto de las Palomas pass. The…
5. Centro de Fauna Silvestre Collado del Almendral
6.72 MILES
You can view ibex, mouflon, deer, eagles, owls and falcons in semi-liberty at this 1-sq-km enclosed animal park. Visits are by mini train along 5km of…
This 20km-long reservoir sits in the midst of the park. It's formed by a dam near Tranco village, holding back the waters of the Río Guadalquivir.
7. Centro de Cría del Quebrantahuesos
7.74 MILES
A fascinating visit for any wildlife lover, this centre in the Cazorla forests is the crux of the programme to reintroduce the lammergeier, a rare,…
9.84 MILES
In a stunningly picturesque and panoramic perch on a rocky pinnacle towering over pretty La Iruela village, this ancient fortification is well worth the…