Must-see shopping in Lithuania

  • 500px Photo ID: 133334391 - Basket weave, fine detail, macro

    Senųjų Amatų Dirbtuvės


    The tools, materials, processes and final results of a whole range of traditional crafts – weaving, papermaking, bookbinding, leather-working,…

  • Amatų Gildija


    Dedicated to preserving and teaching traditional techniques of ceramics, Amatų Gildija is a hive of industry and beautiful handicrafts. It's an open…

  • Amber Queen


    Did you know that Colombian amber comes in emerald, ruby or even deep blue colours? This part-museum, part-jewellery shop has a remarkable range of items,…

  • Amber Cat


    An excellent choice of amber pieces made by Lithuanian master craftspeople. There's something for every price range, from small earrings in a variety of…

  • Ali Šokoladinė


    Imagine a pistachio or salted-caramel eclair so picture-perfect that you're loath to take a first bite, plus macarons in every imaginable colour and…

  • Terra Recognita


    Artist and designer Saulius Vaitiekūnas has been making striking, unusual jewellery from Baltic stone for many years and there's a great deal of symbolism…

  • Jonas Bugailiškis


    Lithuanian artist Bugailiškis turns out all manner of weird and beautiful things from his woodwork workshop: sculptures, ornate crosses and even musical…

  • Sauluva


    A 'Joint Stock Company' selling handicrafts in amber, metal, ceramics, textiles and other materials. Great for unusual and educational toys. It also has…

  • Lino Kopos


    The local master of linen is Giedrius Šarkauskas. Inspired by life’s natural cycle, the designer produces collections sewn solely from linen. Accessories…

  • Black Ceramics Centre


    This building contains both the workshop and retail outlet for the Black Ceramics Centre, dedicated to preserving and teaching the ancient Lithuanian art…

  • Moustache Boutique


    Design workshop, specialising in unique streetwear for men and women by Lithuanian designers. Some unusual accessories and gifts, too.

  • Amber Museum


    Displays the wares of top jewellers working with Baltic Gold in a room itself decorated with more than 500kg of amber.

  • Balta Balta


    Hand-crafted scarves, hats, soft toys, cushions and clothes, made from natural fibres by local artists.

  • Anykščių Vynas


    Certified by the European culinary heritage network, blackcurrant wine is the town's pride and joy, and you can buy some here, at the shop attached to the…

  • Lietuviški Drabužiai


    Come here for streetwear with bold designs by Lithuania's up-and-coming young designers, statement backpacks and purses, and colourful socks – we…

  • Livi Design


    Smart and sassy women's streetwear by Lithuanian designers, particularly Kaunas-born Lina Sliosoraitė – Janušauskė (Livi Design). Choose between her…

  • House of Naīve


    This polished store specialises largely in women's fashion by Lithuanian designers – linen suits, shirts, dresses – but also handmade footwear, stylish…

  • Lino Namai


    Lino Namai sells linen from Siūlas, the oldest flax mill in the country, renowned for high-quality table and bed linen. You'll also find accessories and a…

  • Baltijos Auskas


    'Baltic Gold' is among the best of Palanga's amber galleries: choose between big chunky necklaces, heavy pendants, unusual jewellery pieces involving…

  • Aukso Avis


    This gallery, established by Vilnius fashion designer Julija Žilėniene, sells bags, T-shirts, wall murals and jewellery (think necklaces in felt or wool)…

  • Souvenir Stalls


    During warmer months, the stalls on Teatro aikštė are a good place to hunt for locally made lace items, lesser quality amber jewellery, ceramics,…

  • Marginiai


    Just off Theatre Sq, this is a great place to look for delicate lacework, traditional woven sashes, linenwear, woolly mittens and contemporary art – all…

  • Egidijaus Rudinsko Grafikos Galerija


    A great place to pick up beautiful lithographs, etchings and prints by the eponymous Egidijaus, whose works are fit to illustrate your favourite fantasy…

  • Vitražo manufaktūra


    Exquisite stained-glass sculptures, wall murals and mobiles fill this creative stained-glass workshop. Daily demonstrations noon to 4pm.

  • Kopa Boutique


    If you're after Lithuanian couture, this boutique stocks carefully chosen items by Lithuanian designers, from womenswear to accessories.

  • Juozas Statkevičius


    'Josef Statkus' is a big local name in cutting-edge fashion and costume design, with representatives in Paris, New York and Moscow.

  • kARTu


    High-quality Italian leather transformed into exclusive leather bags and purses for women by Kaunas-based Lithuanian designers.

  • Freaky Foxx


    At this Užupis design studio you can find some wonderfully unique porcelain jewellery made by local artisans. Call ahead.

  • 4 Boobs Studio


    Wonderful contemporary ceramic creations are available at this Užupis studio. You can also sign up for a pottery course.

  • Littera


    You'll find the university bookshop, which sells souvenirs too, in MK Sarbievijus courtyard.

  • Humanitas


    Wonderfully stocked with art, design, architecture and titles on all things Lithuanian.

  • Ramunė Piekautaitė


    A swanky boutique showcasing locally designed business, leisure and bridal wear.

  • Vaga


    Great map selection and good coffee.

  • Gedimino 9


    Housed in a grand mid-Victorian building that has been used by the government, newspapers and nightclubs over the years, this swanky development today…

  • Akropolis


    Handy to the bus and train stations and the New Town, this modern shopping centre has plenty of clothes shops, a supermarket, food hall, bowling alley and…

  • Akropolis


    Massive shopping and entertainment complex with hundreds of stores and restaurants, a multiplex cinema, an ice-skating rink and a children’s play area.

  • Europa


    Large shopping centre just across the Neris River from the Old Town. Three floors of shops and a handful of restaurants and coffee joints.

  • Amber Stalls


    Stalls selling jewellery and individual pieces of Baltic Gold.

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