2015; Adult; Backpack; Backpacker; Beauty In Nature; Europe; Idyllic; Outdoor Pursuit; Outdoors; Snow; Snowcapped Mountain; Vacations; Walking; Horizontal; Nature; Non-Urban Scene; Unrecognizable Person; Caucasus; Caucasus Mountains; Georgia; Georgia - Country; Climbing; Cloud - Sky; Grass; Green Color; Healthy Lifestyle; Hiking; Mestia; Mountain; Mountain Peak; Photography; Tourism; Travel;
Summer landscape from Svaneti, Mt Ushba region, Caucasus mountain.

©Maya Karkalicheva/Getty Images


Having gone from backpacker secret to mainstream darling in just a decade, Georgia today is by far the most visited country in the South Caucasus, and it’s easy to see why: its rich culture and astonishingly diverse landscapes make it an ideal destination for anyone loving history and nature on the grandest of scales.

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Bridge of Peace, a tourist attraction in the middle of the city Bridge over the beautiful river of Tbilisi in Georgia.
Bridge of Peace, a tourist attraction in the middle of the city Bridge over the beautiful river of Tbilisi in Georgia. © Yumi mini / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Destination Practicalities

12 things to know before traveling to Georgia

Jun 26, 2024 • 5 min read

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Georgia and beyond