Parc Borély


Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Marseille attractions

2. La Cité Radieuse

0.68 MILES

Visionary modernist architect Le Corbusier redefined urban living in 1952 with the completion of this vertical 337-apartment tower, popularly known as La…

3. Musée d’Art Contemporain

0.74 MILES

Creations of Marseille-born sculptor César Baldaccini (1921–98) jostle for space with works by Christo, Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Nice New…

4. Basilique Notre Dame de la Garde

1.79 MILES

Occupying Marseille’s highest point, La Garde (154m), this opulent 19th-century Romano-Byzantine basilica is Marseille's most-visited icon. Built on the…

5. Musée Cantini

2.26 MILES

Donated to the city by the sculptor Jules Cantini on his death in 1916, this 17th-century mansion-turned-museum conceals some superb art behind its…

6. Abbaye St-Victor

2.28 MILES

To the west of the Vieux Port lies Abbaye St-Victor, the birthplace of Christianity in Marseille, built on a 3rd century BC necropolis. It's €2 to visit…

7. Cours Julien

2.32 MILES

Marseille's most vibrant bohemian quarter centres on Cours Julien, an elongated concrete square shaded by palm trees. It’s lined with great bars, cafes…

8. Musée du Santon

2.33 MILES

One of Provence’s most enduring Christmas traditions is its santons (plaster-moulded, kiln-fired nativity figures), first created by Marseillais artisan…