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Vieux Port

Top choice in Marseille

Ships have docked for millennia at Marseille’s birthplace, the vibrant Vieux Port. The main commercial docks were transferred to the Joliette area in the 1840s, but the old port remains a thriving harbour for fishing boats, pleasure yachts and tourist boats. Guarded by the forts St-Jean and St-Nicolas, both sides of the port are dotted with bars, brasseries and cafes, with more to be found around place Thiars and cours Honoré d’Estienne d’Orves, where the action continues until late.

For or mobility-challenged (or exhausted) sightseers, there’s also a cross-port ferry.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Marseille attractions

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2. Le Panier

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3. Galerie Trajectoire

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4. Abbaye St-Victor

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5. Musée Regards de Provence

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This niche museum is housed in the city’s former sanitary station, operational from 1948 until 1971. It’s essentially a graphic art museum exploring…

6. Fort St-Jean

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7. Villa Méditerranée

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