Odense Zoo


Denmark’s showpiece zoo, 2km south of the city centre, is an active supporter of conservation and education programs. There's an ‘oceanium’ with penguins and manatees, and a 'Kiwara' open space that aims to mimic the African savannah. Its residents include tigers, lions, zebras and chimpanzees. Book online if you want to feed the giraffes (70kr).

Other feeding times and events are posted clearly both on the website and as you enter. Closing time ranges from 4pm (winter) to 7pm (midsummer).

Southbound Odense Aafart boats stop at the zoo May to August. A number of buses stop outside (40, 42, 51, 52, 151, 152; 24kr), or you can walk or cycle the 2km-long wooded riverside path that begins at Munke Mose.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Odense attractions


1. Den Fynske Landsby

0.93 MILES

Wind back the clock to the 1850s at this delightful open-air museum, a landscaped 'village' of over two dozen furnished old buildings transplanted from…


2. Brandts 13

1.19 MILES

In a stately, porticoed building from 1884, this airy gallery presents regularly changing contemporary art exhibitions, a lot of them multimedia which…


3. Mediemuseum

1.21 MILES

Tracing the role of the media in our lives from X Factor to the monastic scriptorium, most of this excellent museum is in Danish and has a Denmark…


4. Brandts

1.22 MILES

This sprawling arts centre occupies a beautifully converted 1887 textile mill. Most of the gallery space is used for well-curated, frequently changing…


5. HC Andersens Barndomshjem

1.22 MILES

The small childhood home of Hans Christian Andersen paints a picture of the writer's poverty-stricken childhood. He lived here from 1807 to 1819, aged two…


6. Stoppenålen

1.23 MILES

These two shaped-stone pillars look provocatively sexual, but are supposed to represent the proud if hapless 'darning needle' that's the antihero of Hans…


7. Odense Domkirke


A feast of whitewashed Gothic arches and vaulting, Odense’s imposing cathedral took 200 years to build (1300–1499) with the tower added in the 1580s.


8. Oceania

1.33 MILES

With a classical face, seal-flipper feet and a triumphalist six-pack tummy, this astonishing female figure reclines naked on Odense's central square. But…