Must-see attractions in Odense

  • The Danish Railway museum, a red brick building in Odense, Denmark.



    For train buffs, this fabulous video-rich museum is almost reason enough to come to Denmark. The core collection of over 30 engines and wagons, ranging…

  • Den Fynske Landsby


    Wind back the clock to the 1850s at this delightful open-air museum, a landscaped 'village' of over two dozen furnished old buildings transplanted from…

  • HC Andersens Hus


    Lying amid the seemingly miniaturised streets of the former poor quarter is the sparse little cottage where Hans Christian Andersen was born. Visiting it…

  • Møntergården


    The new, stylishly designed main section of this city-history museum takes visitors on a thematic walk through humorously named 'Funen – Centre of the…

  • Odense Domkirke


    A feast of whitewashed Gothic arches and vaulting, Odense’s imposing cathedral took 200 years to build (1300–1499) with the tower added in the 1580s.

  • Odense Zoo


    Denmark’s showpiece zoo, 2km south of the city centre, is an active supporter of conservation and education programs. There's an ‘oceanium’ with penguins…

  • Brandts


    This sprawling arts centre occupies a beautifully converted 1887 textile mill. Most of the gallery space is used for well-curated, frequently changing…

  • Sankt Albani Kirke


    With its seemingly endless, sharpened spire, Sankt Albani Kirke is an 1867 Catholic church whose exterior is interesting for the wooden knight and naive,…

  • HC Andersens Barndomshjem


    The small childhood home of Hans Christian Andersen paints a picture of the writer's poverty-stricken childhood. He lived here from 1807 to 1819, aged two…

  • Mediemuseum


    Tracing the role of the media in our lives from X Factor to the monastic scriptorium, most of this excellent museum is in Danish and has a Denmark…

  • HC Andersen Museum


    This striking exhibition takes its design cues from Hans Christian Andersen's playful papercuts, and features his personal effects plus a virtual reality…

  • Sankt Hans Kirke


    Though most of the triple-transept brick structure you see today dates from 1880, there has been a church on this spot since before 1295, and for much of…

  • Albani Brewery


    Founded in 1859, the city's ubiquitous Odense beers are brewed by Albani right in the heart of town, though the company is now part of conglomerate Royal…

  • Tinsoldaten


    The one-legged military figure outside a branch of Nelle's cafe-bar is not to commemorate a historical conflict but represents the Tin Soldier, sad hero…

  • Oceania


    With a classical face, seal-flipper feet and a triumphalist six-pack tummy, this astonishing female figure reclines naked on Odense's central square. But…

  • Treenigheden


    Bjørn Nørgaard's fascinating sculpture 'Trinity' is an almost orgiastic trio of intertwined geriatric male figures sprouting uncomfortable bumps, mini sub…

  • Brandts 13


    In a stately, porticoed building from 1884, this airy gallery presents regularly changing contemporary art exhibitions, a lot of them multimedia which…

  • Stoppenålen


    These two shaped-stone pillars look provocatively sexual, but are supposed to represent the proud if hapless 'darning needle' that's the antihero of Hans…

  • Vor Frue Kirke


    With a stepped-brick tower, this church is often cited as Odense's oldest. Though records are hazy, most of the whitewashed interior dates back to the…

  • Paaskestræde


    For one of Odense's prettiest street scenes, stand at the corner of Adelgade and watch the little cottages tumbling down Paaskestræde towards the…

  • Hans Andersen Statue


    Outside the low-rise Radisson Blu hotel, Hans Christian Andersen sits with top hat on a seat awaiting selfies.