Pont Sant'Angelo.

Ponte Sant’Angelo

Vatican City, Borgo & Prati

The emperor Hadrian built the Ponte Sant’Angelo in 136 to provide an approach to his mausoleum, but it was Bernini who brought it to life, designing the angel sculptures in 1668. The three central arches of the bridge are part of the original structure; the end arches were restored and enlarged in 1892–94 during the construction of the Lungotevere embankments.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Vatican City, Borgo & Prati attractions


1. Castel Sant'Angelo

0.08 MILES

This castle is an instantly recognizable landmark now home to the Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant'Angelo.


4. Via dei Coronari

0.21 MILES

This cobbled Renaissance street lined with antique shops, boutiques and costume jewellers is a lovely place for a stroll. It follows the course of the…


5. Torre dell'Orologio

0.23 MILES

Built by Borromini between 1647 and 1648, this landmark clock tower, after which the piazza below is named, was designed for the adjacent convent of San…


6. Palazzo di Giustizia

0.25 MILES

This vast landmark palazzo, built to a neo-baroque style between 1888 and 1911, is the seat of Italy's highest court, the Court of Cassation.


7. Museo Napoleonico

0.28 MILES

Dedicated to iconic military leader Napoleon Bonaparte and his lineage, this museum hosts Napoleonic paintings, sculptures, souvenirs and heirlooms…


8. Chiesa Nuova

0.29 MILES

Hardly new as its name would suggest, this imposing landmark church boasts a distinguished 17th-century facade and a vast baroque interior. Of particular…