Via dei Coronari

Centro Storico

This cobbled Renaissance street lined with antique shops, boutiques and costume jewellers is a lovely place for a stroll. It follows the course of the ancient Roman road that connected Piazza Colonna with the Tiber, but owes its name to the medieval coronari (rosary-bead sellers) who used to hang out here, hawking their wares to pilgrims as they passed en route to St Peter's Basilica.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Centro Storico attractions

2. Torre dell'Orologio

0.13 MILES

Built by Borromini between 1647 and 1648, this landmark clock tower, after which the piazza below is named, was designed for the adjacent convent of San…

3. Stadio di Domiziano

0.13 MILES

Beneath Piazza Navona lie the remains of the 1st-century-AD Stadio di Domiziano, over which the square was laid out in the 15th century. This 30,000-seat…

4. Museo Napoleonico

0.14 MILES

Dedicated to iconic military leader Napoleon Bonaparte and his lineage, this museum hosts Napoleonic paintings, sculptures, souvenirs and heirlooms…

5. Chiesa Nuova

0.16 MILES

Hardly new as its name would suggest, this imposing landmark church boasts a distinguished 17th-century facade and a vast baroque interior. Of particular…

6. Fontana del Nettuno

0.16 MILES

The northernmost of the three fountains on Piazza Navona, this 19th-century creation depicts Neptune fighting with a sea monster, surrounded by sea nymphs.

7. Museo Nazionale Romano: Palazzo Altemps

0.17 MILES

Just north of Piazza Navona, Palazzo Altemps is a beautiful late-15th-century palazzo housing the best of the Museo Nazionale Romano’s formidable…

8. Via del Governo Vecchio

0.18 MILES

Striking off west from Piazza Pasquino, Via del Governo Vecchio is an atmospheric cobbled lane full of boutiques, lively restaurants and vintage clothes…