Grand Teton National Park


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Historic Moulton Ranch in the Grand Teton National Park.


Awesome in their grandeur, the Tetons have captivated the imagination from the moment humans laid eyes on them. This wilderness is home to bear, moose and elk in number, and played a fundamental role in the history of American alpine climbing.

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Grand Tetons from Mountain View Turnout on Teton Park Road in Jackson Hole at Teton County, Wyoming - stock photo
The Grand Tetons, part of the Teton Range in northwestern Wyoming, was formed over millions of years through tectonic activity, these mountains were further sculpted by glacial erosion. The history of Grand Teton National Park, established in 1929, is intertwined with early Native American presence, fur trading, and conservation efforts spearheaded by figures like John D. Rockefeller Jr.

National Parks

See the best of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks on this road trip

Mar 21, 2025 • 12 min read