Hawaii’s version of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC, the Bishop Museum showcases a remarkable array of cultural and natural history exhibits…
Hawaii’s version of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC, the Bishop Museum showcases a remarkable array of cultural and natural history exhibits…
No other place evokes a more poignant sense of Hawaii’s history. The palace was built under King David Kalakaua in 1882. At that time, the Hawaiian…
This exceptional fine-arts museum is among the best of its kind anywhere. The collection is effectively a 'best of' summary of major art movements…
With its vibrant, thought-provoking collections, this public art museum brings together traditional and contemporary art from Hawaii’s multiethnic…
Tropical plants you’ve only ever read about can be spotted in all their glory at this spectacular botanic garden, which took root in 1850. Among its…
The commercial heart of Chinatown revolves around its markets and food shops. Noodle factories, pastry shops and produce stalls line the narrow sidewalks,…
Puʻu ʻUalakaʻa State Wayside Park
The best free view in Honolulu! At this hillside park, sweeping views extend from Diamond Head on the left, across Waikiki and downtown Honolulu, to the…
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific
Northeast of downtown Honolulu is a bowl-shaped crater, nicknamed the Punchbowl, formed by a long-extinct volcano. Hawaiians called the crater Puowaina (…
Beautiful walking trails wind through this highly regarded 200-acre arboretum managed by the University of Hawaiʻi. It was originally founded in 1918 by a…
Opposite the Ala Moana Center mall, this city park boasts a broad, golden-sand beach nearly a mile long, buffered from passing traffic by shade trees. Ala…
Nicknamed ‘Westminster Abbey of Hawaii,’ Oʻahu’s oldest church was built on the site where the first missionaries constructed a grass thatch church…
Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site
Occupying the original headquarters of the Sandwich Islands mission that forever changed the course of Hawaiian history, this modest museum is…
Sand Island State Recreation Area
A barely visited half-mile ribbon of sand hides in plain sight from much of Honolulu. Industrial Sand Island, sitting between the airport and the port, is…
Hawaii Children's Discovery Center
On a rainy day when you can't go to the beach, consider dropping by this hands-on museum for families. Opposite Kakaʻako Waterfront Park, the building was…
Embraced by tropical sculpture gardens, this art museum occupies an estate house constructed in 1925 for Oʻahu-born Anna Rice Cooke, a missionary…
Built in the architecturally interesting 1960s, Hawaii’s state capitol is a poster child of conceptual postmodernism: two cone-shaped legislative chambers…
In the heat and humidity of summer, Queen Emma (1836–85), the wife and royal consort of Kamehameha IV, used to slip away from her formal downtown Honolulu…
Formerly the governor’s residence, this colonial-style mansion was built in 1846 by US sea captain John Dominis. The captain’s son became the governor of…
University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa
About 2 miles northeast of Waikiki, the main campus of the statewide university system has a contemporary feel offset by towering, ancient trees. Today,…
Standing before the Ali'iolani Hale, a bronze statue of Kamehameha the Great faces ʻIolani Palace. Often ceremonially draped with layers of flower lei,…
Inside this utilitarian mall, covering almost an entire city block, traditional acupuncturists, tailors and calligraphers work alongside travel agencies…
Built in 1926, this 10-story landmark was once the city’s tallest building. In the golden days when all tourists to Hawaii arrived by ship, this pre-WWII…
This neoclassical landmark first opened in 1922, when silent films were played to the tunes of a pipe organ. Dubbed the ‘Pride of the Pacific,’ the…
Royal Mausoleum State Monument
Known as Mauna ʻAla, or Fragrant Hills, in Hawaiian, this is the final resting place of Hawaii's two prominent royal families, the Kamehamehas and the…
In front of the capitol is a highly stylized statue of Father Damien, the Belgian priest who lived and worked with victims of Hansen’s disease (leprosy)…
The first major government building ordered by the Hawaiian monarchy in 1874, the ‘House of Heavenly Kings’ was designed by Australian architect Thomas…
Near downtown, Kakaʻako Park feels far away from the urban jungle, attracting experienced surfers in the morning and picnickers in the afternoon. In-line…
Hiroshima to Honolulu Friendship Torii
In a grassy median called the Mōʻiliʻili Triangle Park sits a symbol of Honolulu's close ties to Japan. This bright red Shintō gate is a half-size replica…
This Shintō shrine was built by Japanese immigrants in 1906. It was confiscated during WWII by the city and wasn’t returned to the community until the…
This 24-acre public park is home to some exceptional trees, including the Hitachi Tree, a massive monkeypod used by Japanese company Hitachi as its…
The tomb of King Lunalilo, the short-lived successor to Kamehameha V, is found at the main entrance to the Kawaiahaʻo Church grounds. Lunalilo died from…
With its green ceramic-tile roof and bright red columns, this ornate Chinese Buddhist temple is Honolulu’s oldest. The richly carved interior is filled…
Known as the 'Father of the Nation' in the Republic of China and the 'forerunner of democratic revolution' in the People's Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen…
Tantalus–Round Top Scenic Drive
Starting 2 miles above downtown Honolulu, a narrow switchback road cuts its way up into the Makiki Valley's forest reserves and climbs almost to the top…
The Keliiponi Hale was erected in front of ʻlolani Palace in 1883 as a pavilion for the coronation of King Kalakaua. As there was no other ranking person…
Hidden on a private estate, the centerpiece of this unique site is the ancient, stone-walled Kūka‘ō‘ō heiau (temple). It's surrounded by beautiful…
The Lin Yee Chung Manoa Chinese Cemetery is on a knoll nestled on the eastern slopes of the Manoa Valley. Founded in 1852, with all the design elements of…
On the eastern side of the UH campus, the East-West Center aims to promote mutual understanding among the peoples of Asia, the Pacific and the US…
Pointedly positioned between the state capitol building and ʻIolani Palace is a life-size bronze statue of Queen Liliʻuokalani, Hawaii’s last reigning…
Honolulu Museum of Art at First Hawaiian Center
First Hawaiian Bank’s high-rise headquarters on Bishop St is home to the downtown gallery of the Honolulu Museum of Art, featuring fascinating mixed-media…