This illuminating museum is Sweden’s most thorough introduction to Sami culture. Follow the ‘spokes’ radiating from the central chamber, each dealing with…
This illuminating museum is Sweden’s most thorough introduction to Sami culture. Follow the ‘spokes’ radiating from the central chamber, each dealing with…
Across the highway from the STF Turiststation, a chairlift takes you up Mt Nuolja (1164m), where you can enjoy epic views from the deck of the Panorama…
Housed in what used to be a nomad school, the tour de force at Arjeplog's Silvermuseet is the vast collection of Sami silver objects – the most extensive…
To experience the life of the forest Sami, visit Båtsuoj, where Tom and Lotta Svensson practise their traditional livelihood full time. You can watch the…
The World Heritage Area includes four national parks and two nature reserves within the districts of Jokkmokk and Gällivare. The magnificent Naturum…
Atoklimpen (1006m), a monolithic, bare mountain 35km west of Tärnaby, has been regarded as holy by the Sami for centuries. Evidence of sacrificial sites…
The first church was built in Arvidsjaur in 1607, and church-attendance laws (urged by zealous priests and enforced by the monarchy) imposed a certain…
Built in 1885, with seating for 2000 over two floors, Stensele Church is Sweden's biggest wooden church. A seat was provided for every man, woman and…
Sameslöjdstiftelsen Sami Duodji
This centrally located Sami gallery and crafts centre is your one-stop shop for diverse, authentic Sami handicrafts of the highest quality: from…
The largest national park in Sweden, 1984-sq-km Padjelanta gets its name from the Sami name Badjelánnda, meaning ‘higher land’, and appropriately…
The largest natural reserve in Sweden and one of the largest protected areas in Europe, covering 5628 sq km, the Vindelfjällen Nature Reserve is named…
Sarek National Park, central in the World Heritage Area, is for experienced and well-kitted-out trekkers only. Named after Sarektjåhkkå (2098m), and full…
The main attraction of Vilhelmina is its colourful restored church town. Its 30-plus cottages were built when the church was consecrated in 1792 and…
Mountainous and thickly forested Stora Sjöfallet National Park is the northernmost part of the World Heritage Area. It is dominated by Áhkká (2105m),…
Jukkasjärvi Kyrka is one of the oldest churches in Lappland (1607). The brightly painted altarpiece – created by Uppsala artist Bror Hjorth and cut out in…
Tiny Kvikkjokk (Huhttán in Sami), 118km west of Jokkmokk, is on the Kungsleden and at the southern end of the Padjelantala Trail. Several fantastic day…
Covered in wetlands and primeval forest, Muddus National Park covers 500km and is the easternmost part of the World Heritage Area, east of the E45 that…
This was the home of fiery preacher Lars Levi Laestadius from 1849 until his death 12 years later. Here you'll find many personal objects and an…
One of two nature reserves that, along with four national parks, make up the Laponia World Heritage Area, Stubba covers 350 sq km and along with Muddus…
Along with four national parks, two nature reserves are included in the Laponia World Heritage Area, and Sjaunja is the biggest of those. At 150km long,…
The Inlandsbanemuseet, inside the Sorsele train-station building, tells the story of the 1289km railway and how it was built between Kristinehamn in the…
Karesuando boasts the northernmost church in Sweden, originally built in 1816, after Sweden lost the war with Russia. Borders were remarked, with the main…
Part Sami-handicraft store, part museum, Risfjells Sameslöjd is a good place to pick up leatherwork, woodwork or a knife by husband-and-wife artisan team…
Vita Huset is a folk museum in a former policemen’s residence, with evocative photos depicting Finn civilians fleeing the retreating German forces in 1944…
Under the auspices of the Ájtte Museum, this appealing botanical garden introduces local flora, such as glacier crowfoot, moor-king and mountain avens, as…
Alf Andersson's Santa's Winter Village is so popular that charter flights arrive for the day from the UK with families ready to experience a Lappland…
Next to Jukkasjärvi Kyrka, Nutti Sámi Siida is a reindeer yard that you can tour with a Sami guide to learn about reindeer farming and traditional Sami…
This octagonal red wooden church was built in 1976 to replace and replicate its 1753 predecessor that was destroyed by fire. The colour scheme is inspired…
Laponia Visitor Centre Gällivare
Upstairs in the train station and looked after by the tourist office, this lovely exhibition about Sami culture, specifically life in autumn, is well…
This small operation on the west side of town makes genuine knives and axes shaped by centuries of Sami traditions, using raw materials that include…
The scenic, 2000km-long Blåvägen (aka E12) runs from Norway’s Atlantic coast all the way to the shores of Russia’s Lake Onega. In Sweden, you can follow…
This giant red statue is impossible to miss when passing through the middle of town. Wildman stands below Hotell Toppen and is brandishing a club. He has…
Descend into the bowels of the earth to marvel at the immense, noisy trucks labouring in the darkness of the underground LKAB iron-ore mine. Malmberget …
A short walk west of the tourist office is Laestadius Pörte, the compact log cabin that was home to Lars Levi Laestadius, his wife and their 14 children …
The Gällivare Museum has exhibitions on the navvies (railway workers), Sami culture and early settlers, plus a collection of local artefacts and the…
Wander around the 20 old buildings that make up this outdoor community museum down by the water. On site, Cafe Tomten serves up coffee, tea and snacks.