Granada, Spain - Jun 5,  2019: Hall of the Ambassadors at Nasrid Palaces of Alhambra - Granada, Andalusia, Spain; Shutterstock ID 2314805491; your: Sloane Tucker; gl: 65050; netsuite: Online Editorial; full: POI

Shutterstock / Diego Grandi

Salón de los Embajadores


The Chamber of the Ambassadors is where the emirs would have conducted negotiations with Christian emissaries on the Alhambra. Located in the Torre de Comares, it has a marvellous domed marquetry ceiling containing more than 8000 cedar pieces in a star pattern representing the seven heavens of Islam.

Admission is included in the Alhambra ticket.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

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2. Sala de la Barca

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