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Granada / Spain - December 2 2019: Hall of the Two Sisters (Sala de Dos Hermanas) of Nasrid Palaces (Palacios Nazaríes), Alhambra, Granada, Andalusia                    ; Shutterstock ID 1602394498; your: Sloane Tucker; gl: 65050; netsuite: Online Editorial; full: POI

Shutterstock / yalcins

Sala de Dos Hermanas


The richly decorated Sala de Dos Hermanas (Hall of Two Sisters), in the Palacios Nazaríes section of the Alhambra, sits on the northern side of the Patio de los Leones. Probably named after the slabs of white marble flanking its fountain, it features a dizzying muqarnas (honeycomb vaulted) dome with a central star and 5000 tiny cells, reminiscent of the constellations. This may have been the room of the emir's favourite paramour.

The carved wood screens in the upper level enabled women (and perhaps others involved in palace intrigue) to peer down from hallways above without being seen. At its far end, the tile-trimmed Mirador de Daraxa (Daraxa lookout) was a lovely place for palace denizens to look onto the garden below.

Admission is included in the Alhambra ticket.

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