Must-see shopping in Port Moresby

  • 500px Photo ID: 101123703 - Doini Island Papua New Guinea.

    Ela Beach Craft Market

    Port Moresby

    This is the best market in PNG, with items from all over the country – with more carvings, baskets, stone tools, adornments, shells and weavings than you…

  • UPNG Bookshop

    Port Moresby

    Sadly, there is only one decent bookshop in Port Moresby: the UPNG Bookshop and even that shop stocks mostly coursework materials and academic texts. Top…

  • Handicrafts Market

    Port Moresby

    Boroko’s dusty central square is a good place to buy bilums, a selection of Sepik carvings, stone axes, kina-shell breastplates, shell jewellery and the…

  • Beyond Art

    Port Moresby

    In Town, Beyond Art is small and pricy.