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This residential block of flats bears all the wackily creative hallmarks of Hundertwasser, Vienna’s radical architect and lover of uneven surfaces, with its curvy lines, crayon-bright colours and mosaic detail.

It’s not possible to see inside, but you can cross the road to visit the Hundertwasser Village, also the handiwork of Hundertwasser.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby attractions


1. Fälschermuseum

0.03 MILES

Wow, a museum with Schiele, Raphael, Rembrandt and Marc Chagall paintings that nobody knows about? Well, that's because they are all fakes, though…


2. Hundertwasser Village

0.04 MILES

Created from an old Michelin factory, Hundertwasser Village bears the inimitable hallmark of the wacky Austrian artist of the same name. It contains…


3. KunstHausWien

0.25 MILES

The KunstHausWien, with its bulging ceramics, wonky surfaces, checkerboard facade, technicolor mosaic tilework and rooftop sprouting plants and trees,…


4. Wittgensteinhaus

0.31 MILES

Designed by Paul Engelmann, a student of Adolf Loos, and the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, this building has strict lines and a stepped design…


5. Museum für Angewandte Kunst

0.56 MILES

MAK is devoted to craftsmanship and art forms in everyday life. Each exhibition room showcases a different style, which includes Renaissance, baroque,…


6. Planetarium


Austria's biggest planetarium is galaxies away from being its biggest draw. Vienna’s extraterrestrial and interstellar viewfinder is located on the edge…


7. Pratermuseum


Sharing the same building as the Planetarium, this municipal museum traces the history of the Würstelprater and its woodland neighbour. For all the life…


8. Arenbergpark

0.64 MILES

Laid out as a private park for Hungarian prince Nikolaus Esterházy in 1785, Arenbergpark is now an appealing garden, with leafy avenues, lawns and, most…