Wow, a museum with Schiele, Raphael, Rembrandt and Marc Chagall paintings that nobody knows about? Well, that's because they are all fakes, though spotting the difference is a near impossibility for the untrained eye. The tiny, privately run Fälschermuseum opens a fascinating window on the world of art forgeries. Besides giving background on the who, how, when and what, the museum recounts some incredible stories about master forgers who briefly managed to pull the wool over the experts' eyes.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
1.18 MILES
Vienna's foremost opera and ballet venue, the neo-Renaissance Staatsoper, is one of the finest concert halls in the world. Even if you can't get tickets…
0.96 MILES
Vienna’s Gothic masterpiece Stephansdom – or Steffl (Little Stephan), as it’s ironically nicknamed – is Vienna's pride and joy. A church has stood here…
0.83 MILES
The great composer spent close to three happy and productive years at this residence between 1784 and 1787. Exhibits include copies of music scores and…
1.63 MILES
The MuseumsQuartier is a remarkable ensemble of museums, cafes, restaurants and bars inside former imperial stables designed by Fischer von Erlach. This…
1.28 MILES
The Hofburg's Kaiserliche Schatzkammer contains secular and ecclesiastical treasures (including devotional images and altars, particularly from the…
1.18 MILES
Built between 1716 and 1739, after a vow by Karl VI at the end of the 1713 plague, Vienna's finest baroque church rises at the southeast corner of…
Nearby attractions
0.03 MILES
This residential block of flats bears all the wackily creative hallmarks of Hundertwasser, Vienna’s radical architect and lover of uneven surfaces, with…
0.05 MILES
Created from an old Michelin factory, Hundertwasser Village bears the inimitable hallmark of the wacky Austrian artist of the same name. It contains…
0.23 MILES
The KunstHausWien, with its bulging ceramics, wonky surfaces, checkerboard facade, technicolor mosaic tilework and rooftop sprouting plants and trees,…
0.33 MILES
Designed by Paul Engelmann, a student of Adolf Loos, and the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, this building has strict lines and a stepped design…
5. Museum für Angewandte Kunst
0.54 MILES
MAK is devoted to craftsmanship and art forms in everyday life. Each exhibition room showcases a different style, which includes Renaissance, baroque,…
0.59 MILES
Austria's biggest planetarium is galaxies away from being its biggest draw. Vienna’s extraterrestrial and interstellar viewfinder is located on the edge…
0.59 MILES
Sharing the same building as the Planetarium, this municipal museum traces the history of the Würstelprater and its woodland neighbour. For all the life…
0.61 MILES
The marble-cased and metal-'studded' Post Office Savings Bank building is the Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) work of Otto Wagner, who oversaw its construction…