Fergana Valley
The fantastic Kumtepa Bazaar, 5km west of Margilon centre, is a time capsule full of weathered Uzbek men in traditional clothing exchanging solemn…
© Ozbalci / Getty Images
On arrival in the Fergana Valley many visitors wonder where the valley is. From this broad (22,000 sq km), flat bowl, the surrounding mountain ranges (Tian Shan to the north and the Pamir Alay to the south) seem to stand back at enormous distances – when you can see them, that is.
Fergana Valley
The fantastic Kumtepa Bazaar, 5km west of Margilon centre, is a time capsule full of weathered Uzbek men in traditional clothing exchanging solemn…
Fergana Valley
Margilon's main attraction is this fascinating factory, a block west of the central Dekon Bazaar. English-language guides can walk you through traditional…
Fergana Valley
The palace of the Khan of Kokand, with seven courtyards and 114 rooms, was built in 1873, though its dazzling tiled exterior makes it look so perfect that…
Fergana Valley
This charming medressa was converted into a crafts centre more than a decade ago, with the former hujras (cell-like living quarters) now housing a suzani…
Fergana Valley
Across from the Eski Bazaar is the handsome 19th-century Jome Mosque & Medressa, said to be the only building to survive the 1902 earthquake. It reopened…
Fergana Valley
Kokand’s most impressive mosque, built by Umar Khan in 1812, is centred on a 22m minaret and includes a colourful 100m-long aivan (portico) supported by…
Fergana Valley
Of the thousand local potters who make a living from the legendary local loam, only a handful are considered true masters who still use traditional…
Fergana Valley
This museum occupies the site of the royal apartments where Zahiruddin Babur (1483–1530) lived and studied as a boy within Ark-Ichy, the town’s long-gone…
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A first-time guide to the Fergana Valley in UzbekistanFeb 5, 2025 • 8 min read