Papa Jim's Botanica

San Antonio

Embracing more than a couple of belief systems, Papa Jim's Botanica offers help from above or help from the beyond for a wide variety of problems. It's basically a religious and Santeria superstore (mixed with a bit of voodoo), selling items to rid you of the problem of your choice: Get-Rich candles, Do-As-I-Say floor wash, Jinx Removal air-freshener, Run-Devil-Run and Get-out-of-Jail oil, and Stop-Gossip soap, all for a few dollars apiece.

Located in the southern part of the city, the store also has books, herbal teas, incense, good-luck charms and other items related to Santeria, a synthesis of Catholicism and the Nigerian Yoruba folk beliefs of slaves brought to the Caribbean. Papa Jim's motto is 'Whatever Works,' and obviously it works for some: the botanica has been around since 1980.