The rival of any of the United States' most spectacular national parks, including Yellowstone, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park is…
The rival of any of the United States' most spectacular national parks, including Yellowstone, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon, Glacier National Park is…
Glacier National Park
Perched above the tree line, atop the wind-lashed Continental Divide, and blocked by snow for most of the year, 6646ft Logan Pass – named for William R…
More than a dozen buildings preserved in a state of 'arrested decay' transport you back to gold-rush days, when cities were built overnight and vanished…
Glacier National Park
You’ll welcome this handy pit stop on Going-to-the-Sun Rd, with useful tourist facilities including a motel, restaurant, showers, small grocery and boat…
Bozeman & Gallatin Valley
The most entertaining museum in Montana should not be missed. It has stellar displays on the geological history of the Rockies, and dinosaur exhibits…
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
The Crow (Apsalooke) Indian Reservation is home to the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. One of the USA's best-known Native American…
Glacier National Park
You wouldn't guess it from the outside, but this museum, housed in a nondescript brick building, has an exceptional collection of costumes, art, craftwork…
Glacier National Park
Located on the park’s dryer eastern side, where the mountains melt imperceptibly into the Great Plains, St Mary Lake lies in a deep, glacier-carved valley…
Glacier National Park
Supporting little more than a couple of lodges, a gift shop or two, a recommended outdoor gear outfitter and a restaurant with an adjoining window for ice…
Glacier National Park
Greener and wetter than the St Mary Valley, the Lake McDonald Valley harbors the park’s largest lake and some of its densest and oldest temperate…
Glacier National Park
Standing at the artificially created Weeping Wall, look across the valley to this distant natural watery spectacle; the spectacular Bird Woman Falls drops…
Glued to the southern shore of Whitefish Lake, this busy sandy stretch is where the whole town comes to date and debate in the summer months. The swimming…
Cycle or hike Chief Black Otter Trail from near the airport for the best overview of the city (particularly at dusk) as far as the distant Beartooth…
Glacier National Park
This popular pull-over, located a short walk from the Gunsight Pass trailhead, offers telescopic views of the park’s fifth-largest glacier, which sits…
First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park
This little-visited state park has as its centerpiece what may be the largest bison cliff jump – where Native American hunters drove herds of bison over a…
Glacier National Park
Houses interesting exhibits on wildlife, geology and Native American culture and history, as well as an auditorium featuring slide shows and ranger talks…
Step back into old-old Helena on this short stretch of brick road lined with historic buildings and log cabins. It was named after Louis Reeder – the man…
Glacier National Park
Just off Going-to-the-Sun Rd and adjacent to a shuttle stop lies this narrow canyon carved over millennia by the gushing glacial meltwaters of Baring…
Glacier National Park
On the northeastern shore of the lake, this rustic lodge, first built in 1895 as the Glacier Hotel, is the park’s oldest hotel. Replaced by a newer Swiss…
When Gil Mangels was a soldier on foreign soil, he became acutely aware of how America's freedom allowed for so much innovation and creativity – and he's…
Glacier National Park
This LEED–certified center with a large parking lot and free wi-fi signal is 1½ miles north of West Glacier at the west end of Going-to-the-Sun Rd. Catch…
The visitor center on this active base for the heroic men and women who parachute into forests to combat raging wildfires has thought-provoking displays…
Earthquake Lake Visitor Center
The best way to get to grips with the enormity of the Hebgen earthquake, the largest ever to hit the Rockies, is to visit this center, at the end of Quake…
Pompey’s Pillar National Monument
At the base of the monolithic rock where William Clark (of Lewis and Clark fame) carved his name in 1806 is a small visitor center that illustrates an…
This excellent museum housed in a bland building that looks like a 1970s-era suburban elementary school honors the culture of the Crow, Cree, Sioux,…
Historic Downtown Pedestrian Mall
Helena was born with the discovery of gold in 1864 along the creek that is now Last Chance Gulch road. The pedestrian-only mall weaves between the…
Whether or not you agree with the slogan 'Hunting is Conservation' should not decide whether you visit this excellent visitor center with engaging…
Billings' most interesting historic home, the Moss was built in 1903 by local captain of industry PB Moss. The Moorish-style entryway and atmospheric…
Glacier National Park
Located 2000ft below the iconic Garden Wall, the glistening Weeping Wall creates a seasonal waterfall that was formed when Going-to-the-Sun Rd…
American Computer & Robotics Museum
Bozeman & Gallatin Valley
If you have even one bit of computer geek in you (and caught the pun), visit this eclectic collection of artifacts covering landmarks in computer…
Glacier National Park
In the most magnificent setting of all the park's visitor centers, the building has park information, interactive exhibits and a good gift shop. The…
Glacier National Park
The sharp, steep-sided ridge that parallels Going-to-the-Sun Rd as it ascends to Logan Pass from the west was carved by powerful glaciers millions of…
Swing by this small art center to enjoy the work of regional photographers, painters and other creatives that capture the spirit of Montana's mountain…
Yellowstone Heritage & Research Center
The park’s abundant archives (over five million items and growing) are a fantastic resource on the park. Drop-in visitors can peruse the temporary…
Glacier National Park
This sharp hairpin bend acts as a popular trailhead for hikers descending from the Granite Park Chalet and the Highline Trail. Consequently, it’s normally…
Bozeman & Gallatin Valley
Known around town as the Emerson, this nonprofit art collective occupying an old school is the place to plug into Bozeman’s culture scene. Retail…
Home to bison, black bear, a range of deer and antelope species, a handful of predators and more than 200 bird varieties, the National Bison Range, in…
Small information station and book store run by Yellowstone Forever, the official education and fundraising partner of Yellowstone National Park. The…
Yellowstone Wildlife Sanctuary
Families will love this nonprofit refuge for dozens of animals that can’t be returned to the wild, including bears, lynx, a mountain lion and a sandhill…
The original colonnaded Northern Pacific Railroad depot – built in 1902 by the architects who designed New York’s Grand Central Station – is now home to a…