Magnetic Peak

Haleakalā National Park

The iron-rich cinders in this flat-top hill, which lies immediately southeast of the summit building (in the direction of Hawaiʻi, the Big Island), pack enough magnetism to play havoc with your compass. Modest as it looks, it’s also – at 10,008ft – the second-highest point on Maui.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Haleakalā National Park attractions

2. Science City


As the sun rises, this collection of domed observatories shimmers just beyond the summit. Nicknamed Science City, this area is, unfortunately, off-limits…

3. Haleakalā Summit Area

0.44 MILES

Perched on the crater rim at 9745ft, the visitor center is the park’s main viewing spot. Sun, shadow and clouds reflecting on the crater floor create a…

4. Kalahaku Overlook


Don’t miss this one. Kalahaku Overlook (9324ft), 0.8 miles beyond Leleiwi Overlook, offers a bird’s-eye view of the crater floor and the ant-size hikers…

5. Haleakalā National Park

2.28 MILES

No trip to Maui is complete without visiting this national park containing the mighty volcano that gave rise to East Maui. The volcano's floor measures a…

6. Leleiwi Overlook

2.76 MILES

For your first jaw-dropping look into the crater and its cinder cones, stop at Leleiwi Overlook (8840ft), midway between the Park Headquarters Visitor…

7. Pele’s Paint Pot Lookout

3.49 MILES

Along the loop trail south of Kawilinau, and accessible via Halemauʻu Trail and Keoneheʻeheʻe (Sliding Sands) Trail, this is the crater’s most brilliant…

8. Kawilinau


Legend says that the pit leads down to the sea, though the National Park Service says it’s just 65ft deep.