Beautiful view over of seaside and white blue village Sidi Bou Said. Tunisia, North Africa.; Shutterstock ID 686855305; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Tunisia Destination Page image update

Shutterstock / Valery Bareta


It may be but a slim wedge of North Africa’s vast horizontal expanse, but Tunisia has enough history and diverse natural beauty to pack a country many times its size. With a balmy, sand-fringed Mediterranean coast, scented with jasmine and sea breezes, and where the fish on your plate is always fresh, Tunisia is prime territory for a straightforward sun-sand-and-sea holiday. But beyond the beaches, it’s a thrilling, underrated destination where distinct cultures and incredible extremes of landscape – forested coastlines, Saharan sand seas in the south – can be explored in just a few days.

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The image looks across a series of thick stone arches and two stone columns towards the sea, which has a thick thunder cloud over it.


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