Legend has it that in 1476 a messenger sprinted from Murten to Fribourg to relay the joyous news that the Swiss had defeated Charles the Bold…only to drop dead with exhaustion on arrival. Onlookers, saddened by this tragic twist, took the linden twig from the messenger’s hat, planted it and cared for it – the tree you see today, over half a millennium later, is born of that very twig.
Tilleul de Morat
Fribourg, Drei-Seen-Land and The Jura
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
29.24 MILES
If ever a castle could fit the fairy-tale bill, the dashingly handsome Château de Chillon would be it, with its moat, double ramparts and riot of turrets…
16.71 MILES
Bern’s flag-bedecked medieval centre has 6km of covered arcades and cellar shops and bars descending from the streets. After a devastating fire in 1405,…
27.15 MILES
This engaging museum celebrates the life and work of iconic London-born film star Charlie Chaplin. Split between the neoclassical Manoir de Ban – the…
28.27 MILES
Nestlé’s headquarters have been in Vevey since 1814, hence its presence in the form of this museum dedicated to nutrition and all things edible, past and…
17.84 MILES
Bern’s answer to the Guggenheim, Renzo Piano’s architecturally bold, 150m-long wave-like edifice houses an exhibition space that showcases rotating works…
22.93 MILES
About 14km east of Môtiers, a short walk leads to the enormous abyss known as the Creux du Van (Rocky Hole) – van is a word of Celtic origin meaning 'rock…
Cathédrale St Nicolas de Fribourg
0.13 MILES
Before entering this brooding 13th-century Gothic cathedral, contemplate the main portal with its 15th-century sculptured portrayal of the Last Judgment…
16.76 MILES
Bern’s most famous Old Town sight, this ornate clock tower once formed part of the city’s western gate (1191–1256). Crowds congregate to watch its…
Nearby Fribourg, Drei-Seen-Land and The Jura attractions
0.03 MILES
Fribourg's late-Gothic town hall dominates the heart of the Old Town. Just to the side, you'll find the 500-year-old symbol of the city, the Tilleul de…
2. Basilique de Notre-Dame de Fribourg
0.09 MILES
The highlight of this church is an 18th-century Crèche Napolitaine featuring 75 figurines re-enacting the nativity, annunciation and scenes from daily…
3. Espace Jean Tinguely – Niki de Saint Phalle
Jump on the button to watch the Retable de l’Abondance Occidentale et du Mercantilisme Totalitaire (1989–90) make its allegorical comment on Western…
0.11 MILES
Embark on a voyage of the printed word in this printing and communication museum, housed in a 16th-century granary and with a multimedia show to bring the…
5. Cathédrale St Nicolas de Fribourg
0.13 MILES
Before entering this brooding 13th-century Gothic cathedral, contemplate the main portal with its 15th-century sculptured portrayal of the Last Judgment…
6. Musée d’Art et d’Histoire
0.16 MILES
Fribourg’s art and history museum, with an excellent collection of late Gothic sculpture and painting, is housed in the Renaissance Hôtel Ratzé. Gothic…
0.19 MILES
For an inspiring dose of contemporary art, head to this old red-brick seminary for some excellent temporary exhibitions. Late-night opening on Thursday…
0.19 MILES
The 12th-century Old Town was laid out in simple fashion, with Grand-Rue as the main street and parallel Rue des Chanoines and Rue des Bouchers devoted to…