Located about 2.5km northwest of the Old Town, buzzing, bayside Västra Hamnen represents the modern face of Malmö. It's a popular spot to stroll, sip…
Located about 2.5km northwest of the Old Town, buzzing, bayside Västra Hamnen represents the modern face of Malmö. It's a popular spot to stroll, sip…
Focusing on the area around Stortorget (the town square) and lively Lilla Torget (the little square) Malmö's Old Town is a gorgeous warren of cobblestone…
Located within the rambling Malmöhus Slott, operating under the broad banner (and one low admission fee) of the Malmö Museer, are three main museums…
Teknikens och sjöfartens hus
A short distance to the west of Malmöhus Slott, the Technology and Maritime museum is home to aircraft, vehicles, a horse-drawn tram, steam engines, and…
Since 1872, the 34,000-sq-metre King's Park in the shadow of Malmöhus Slott has been delighting Malmö's residents and visitors with its magnificent…
Architects Tham & Videgård chose to make the most of the distinct 1901 Rooseum, once a power-generating turbine hall, by adding a contemporary annexe,…
Erik of Pomerania built the first fortress here in 1436 but it was destroyed between 1534 and 1536 during a popular uprising in Skåne. After this…
Within the walls of Malmöhus Slott, under the banner of Malmö Museer, you'll find this superb collection of Swedish furniture and handicrafts, plus a vast…
Ingeniously more of a shopping arcade disguised as a museum, the Form/Design Center is still an impressive showcase of design, architecture and art,…
This bridge is the longest cable-tied road and rail bridge in Europe, measuring 7.8km from Lernacken (on the Swedish side, near Malmö) to the artificial…
In the lovely Västra Hamnen area, you can't miss the eye-boggling Turning Torso, a futuristic skyscraper that twists through 90 degrees from bottom to top…
This red-brick Gothic beast is Malmö’s oldest church, built in the early 14th century. Protestant zealots whitewashed the medieval frescoes in 1555, but…
Watch heavenly cocoa concoctions being made, wander through the mini museum and devour the finished product at the chocolate-scented cafe. Dating from…
Kockska Huset (1524) is a stately pile that mayor Jörgen Kock had built for himself; it’s said that Gustav Vasa stayed here when he came to town. The…
Malmö Konsthall, south of central Malmö, is one of Europe’s largest contemporary-art spaces, with exhibitions spanning both Swedish and foreign talent…
At the southeastern corner of Stortorget, the city’s oldest pharmacy (still in business) flaunts an exquisite art-nouveau interior, with carved wooden…
The City Museum is chock full of exhibits on the history of Malmö and the Skåne region. Admission includes access to all the other museums in the Malmö…
Länsresidenset i Malmö
Although the bones of this attractive building on Stortorget were built in the 1600s, its stuccoed facade dates from 1849. The building is owned by the…
The city hall, dating from 1546, has undergone some notable renovations. It's used for administrative and civil functions and not open for visitors, as…
This magnificent building dates from 1535 when it was the residence of a Danish and Norwegian noble family. It can only be viewed from the outside.
On the corner of Östergatan near Drottingtorget you'll find the city's oldest half-timbered house (1558). It's not open to the public.
Skånes Konstförening
This compact gallery located 1km south of Möllevångstorget, concentrates on emerging and lesser-known, mainly Scanian, artists.