

Chic boutique selling colourful local clothing, jewellery, linen and rugs, crafts and gifts. The book section has an excellent selection of Sri Lanka–related titles.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Galle attractions

1. Historical Mansion

0.09 MILES

More of an antique store than a museum, this Fort townhouse (which dates back to the Dutch days) contains the private collection of a long-time local…

2. All Saints Anglican Church


A handsome Victorian Gothic structure dating from the mid-19th century. It boasts impressive stained-glass windows, beautifully carved timber arches and…

3. Dutch Governor's House

0.11 MILES

A striking building that dates from 1683, over its doorway is a cockerel and the crest of Galle. It's not open to the public.

4. Meeran Mosque

0.12 MILES

Facing the lighthouse, this beautifully maintained whitewashed building is a highly unusual construction combining eclectic architectural features that…

5. Marine Archeological Museum

0.13 MILES

This spacious maritime museum occupies a colossal old spice warehouse built by the Dutch and dating back to the late 17th century. The structure was…

6. Bell Tower

0.13 MILES

A small whitewashed bell tower supported by four slim pillars.

7. Dutch Hospital

0.13 MILES

Now fully restored and home to myriad upmarket boutiques and restaurants, this vast, colonnaded colonial landmark dates from the 18th century. Its size…

8. Triton Bastion

0.14 MILES

Small southwestern bastion, which was once topped with a windmill (used to draw water to clean Galle's streets).