Investigate the underground remnants of a 13th-century baths complex. It’s not a big site but it gives a good idea of the original complex's layout with an entrance lobby, cold, warm and hot rooms, and a boiler room for heating the water. Star-shaped skylights let light in to illuminate brick halls flanked by columned arches.
Baños Árabes
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
26.65 MILES
This forbidding castle guards the northern Sierra Nevada from a hilltop looming over the sleepy village of La Calahorra, 16km southeast of Guadix. Built…
26.56 MILES
An interesting detour from Empalme del Valle will take you past Vadillo Castril village to the Puente de las Herrerías bridge (7km) and then 11km on…
Centro de Cría del Quebrantahuesos
28.31 MILES
A fascinating visit for any wildlife lover, this centre in the Cazorla forests is the crux of the programme to reintroduce the lammergeier, a rare,…
24.47 MILES
Around 2000 dwellings are burrowed into the rocky terrain of Guadix' main cave district, 1.2km south of the centre – a weird, otherworldly place where…
23.95 MILES
Its flamboyant sandstone exterior set against the rich blue sky, Guadix' cathedral was built between the 16th and 18th centuries on the site of the former…
0.22 MILES
At the heart of the historic centre, Baza’s showcase plaza is overlooked by the town’s most notable buildings, including the Iglesia Mayor. This towering…
0.22 MILES
Housed in a 16th-century wine warehouse, this small but interesting museum charts the development of Baza since prehistoric times. Exhibits include finds…
Centro de Interpretación Cuevas de Guadix
24.49 MILES
Last inhabited in the early 1980s, this intriguing museum occupies a sprawling, eight-room cave-house dating back 300 to 400 years. Cave life of years…
Nearby Andalucía attractions
0.22 MILES
Housed in a 16th-century wine warehouse, this small but interesting museum charts the development of Baza since prehistoric times. Exhibits include finds…
0.22 MILES
At the heart of the historic centre, Baza’s showcase plaza is overlooked by the town’s most notable buildings, including the Iglesia Mayor. This towering…
3. Centro de Interpretación Primeros Pobladores de Europa 'Josep Gibert'
22.87 MILES
A fossilised human tooth, stone tools dating back at least 1.3 million years, and bones of mammoths and other extinct beasts are among the…
4. Plaza de la Constitución
23.93 MILES
Guadix' central square is a fine example of late-16th-century Renaissance urban design. Overlooked by the striking town hall, it's centred on a…
23.95 MILES
Its flamboyant sandstone exterior set against the rich blue sky, Guadix' cathedral was built between the 16th and 18th centuries on the site of the former…
6. Iglesía y Monasterio de Santiago
Look for the off-kilter Mudéjar tower of the 16th-century Iglesía y Monasterio de Santiago, with an elaborate plateresque facade by Diego Siloé.
24.1 MILES
This 11th-century Islamic castle, characterised by its reddish crenellated walls and square towers, commands fine views across town and into the main cave…
24.47 MILES
Around 2000 dwellings are burrowed into the rocky terrain of Guadix' main cave district, 1.2km south of the centre – a weird, otherworldly place where…