Opened in 2016, this striking piece of modern architecture is a bold addition to the northern end of Gdańsk's waterfront. It has rapidly become one of…
Opened in 2016, this striking piece of modern architecture is a bold addition to the northern end of Gdańsk's waterfront. It has rapidly become one of…
Opened in 2014, and housed in a truly awful example of 21st-century architecture (its rusty steel plates were designed to evoke ships under construction),…
Długi Targ was once the main city market and is now the major focus for visitors. Things have gotten a bit touristy here over the last decade (dubious…
Dominating the heart of the Old Town, St Mary’s is often cited as the largest brick church in the world, its massive 78m-high tower dominating the Gdańsk…
This is a sprawling exhibition covering Gdańsk's role as a Baltic seaport through the centuries. The headquarters, the multimillion-euro Maritime Cultural…
The most atmospheric of all Gdańsk's streets and one of Poland’s most photogenic lanes is this length of cobbles between the waterfront St Mary’s Gate and…
Rising in all its embellished grandeur behind the Neptune Fountain, the Artus Court is perhaps the single best-known house in Gdańsk. The court has been…
Founded over 700 years ago, St Bridget’s was reduced to medieval brick dust in 1945, and until 1970 only the outer walls were left standing. Very little…
Dominating Długi Targ, Gdańsk's impressive Gothic-Renaissance town hall boasts the city's highest tower at 81.5m. It is home to the Historical Museum of…
National Museum's Department of Early Art
Located just outside the Main Town, the National Museum’s Department of Early Art is housed in the vaulted interiors of a former Franciscan monastery. It…
Historical Museum of Gdańsk
This museum is located in the historic town hall, which claims Gdańsk’s highest tower at 81.5m. The showpiece is the Red Room (Sala Czerwona), done up in…
Gdańsk’s former Lenin Shipyard is a key fragment of 20th-century European history. It was here that the first major cracks in Eastern Europe’s communist…
The Old Town Hall was once the seat of the Old Town council. A well-proportioned Renaissance building crowned with a high central tower typical of its…
Part of the National Maritime Museum, the oh-so conspicuous Gdańsk Crane soars above the busy waterfront. Built in the mid-15th century as part of the…
The first surprise as you approach the cathedral is the facade, a striking composition of two slim octagonal Gothic towers with a central baroque portion…
The large 15th-century construction known as the Foregate consists of the Torture House (Katownia) to the west and a high Prison Tower (Wieża Więzienna)…
Erected by the Dominican order on its arrival from Kraków in 1227, this is one of Gdańsk’s oldest places of Christian worship and it feels that way inside…
The largest monument of the Old Town is St Catherine’s Church, Gdańsk's oldest, which was begun in the 1220s. It was the parish church for the entire town…
Built in 1612, the Golden Gate was designed by Abraham van den Block, son of the man behind the decoration of the Upland Gate. It's a sort of triumphal…
Ul Piwna terminates at the Great Arsenal, an architectural gem. The work of Antonius van Opbergen, it was built at the beginning of the 17th century and,…
The Westerplatte area is famous for one thing: it was here, at 4.45am on 1 September 1939, that the first shots of WWII were fired during the German…
This gate at the western end of Royal Way was the traditional entry point for kings. It was built in 1574 as part of the new fortifications, which were…
Standing conspicuously opposite St Catherine’s Church, the Great Mill certainly lives up to its name. Created by the Teutonic Knights in northern Poland’s…
The Sala BHP is the former Health and Safety building where the 21 demands were signed off and where strikes were coordinated. The hall has been left…
According to legend, the Neptune Fountain, next to the Town Hall, once gushed forth with the trademark Gdańsk liqueur, Goldwasser. As the story goes, it…
Monument to the Fallen Shipyard Workers
Just in front of the former shipyard gates, the striking Monument to the Fallen Shipyard Workers commemorates those killed in the riots of 1970. Unveiled…
Długi Targ is flanked from the east by the Green Gate, marking the end of the Royal Way. It was built in the 1560s on the site of a medieval defensive…
Squeezed between two houses just to the north of St Mary’s Church, and completely overshadowed by its massive neighbour, the small Royal Chapel is the…
The 1618 Golden House, designed by Johan Voigt, has the richest facade in the city. In the friezes between storeys are 12 elaborately carved scenes…
This museum is dedicated to all things amber and the craft of designing and creating amber jewellery. It's located in the Foregate, a former prison and…
Lined by the city’s grandest facades, the Royal Way was the route along which the Polish kings traditionally paraded during their periodic visits. Of the…
Built on the site of a Dominican monastery, the late-19th-century Market Hall is more interesting for its wrought-iron railway-station architecture than…
This gate was built around 1450 while the city was still under the Teutonic order, as shown by the original city coat of arms consisting of two crosses…
This London Eye–style big wheel was installed as part of the clean up of Ołowianka Island and is a welcome addition to this part of the city. The ride…
The SS Sołdek is a museum ship moored in front of the granaries. Once you’re on board and past the fairly dull introductory video, you can test the limits…
The high, octagonal tower rising in front of the market hall is a remnant of the medieval fortifications and dates from around 1400. Today it houses what…
This palatial edifice is also known as the English House (Dom Angielski), after the nationality of the merchants who owned it in the 17th century when it…
Near the mammoth headquarters of Solidarność on Wały Piastowskie stands a lonely piece of the Berlin Wall. Next to it stands the wall Lech Wałȩsa climbed…
The first Polish bullets of WWII were fired from the windows of the Nowy Port Lighthouse. Today there are incredible views across the Bay of Gdańsk,…
This historic 18th-century residence features ornate furniture. As you pass beyond the kitchen, take a minute to browse the family tree and history of the…