Krakow - St. Catherine's church interior; Shutterstock ID 78496810; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Gillmore; GL account no.: 56530; Netsuite department name: Online-Design; Full Product or Project name including edition: 65050/ Online Design /LaurenGillmore/POI

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St Catherine's Church


One of the most monumental churches in the city, and possibly the one that has best retained its original Gothic shape, St Catherine’s was founded in 1363 and completed 35 years later, though its planned towers were never built. The lofty and spacious whitewashed interior boasts the imposing, richly gilded baroque high altar from 1634 and some flamboyant choir stalls.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Kraków attractions

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2. Corpus Christi Church

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3. Pauline Church of SS Michael & Stanislaus

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4. Judaica Foundation

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5. Plac Nowy

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7. Museum of Municipal Engineering

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8. Temple Synagogue

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