Tamil Nadu's favourite veg chain is a welcome addition, turning out delectably simple idlis, dosas, thalis and other South Indian staples. The air-con hall does North Indian fare, too. It's opposite the New Bus Stand. There's another branch in town.
Hotel Saravana Bhavan
Tamil Nadu
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
1.08 MILES
Vellore's fort, with nearly 2km of moat-surrounded ramparts, was built in the 16th century and passed through Maratha and Mughal hands before the British…
1.08 MILES
The Jalakantesvara Temple, a gem of late Vijayanagar architecture, dates from around 1566, and was once occupied as a garrison. Check out the small,…
Archaeological Survey of India Museum
1.22 MILES
Inside the fort, this museum houses a small collection of very worn Pallava, Chola and Nayak stone sculptures, plus British-era cannons and displays on…
Within the fort grounds stands this handsome, yellow-walled church (1846). Only open Sunday.
Nearby Tamil Nadu attractions
1.08 MILES
The Jalakantesvara Temple, a gem of late Vijayanagar architecture, dates from around 1566, and was once occupied as a garrison. Check out the small,…
1.08 MILES
Vellore's fort, with nearly 2km of moat-surrounded ramparts, was built in the 16th century and passed through Maratha and Mughal hands before the British…
Within the fort grounds stands this handsome, yellow-walled church (1846). Only open Sunday.
4. Archaeological Survey of India Museum
1.22 MILES
Inside the fort, this museum houses a small collection of very worn Pallava, Chola and Nayak stone sculptures, plus British-era cannons and displays on…