It’s possible to see what is thought to be a descendant of the original burning bush in the St Catherine's Monastery compound; however, because of visitors snipping cuttings of the bush to take home as blessings, the area surrounding the bush is now fenced off. Near the burning bush is the Well of Moses, a natural spring that is supposed to give marital happiness to those who drink from it.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
0.02 MILES
This ancient monastery traces its founding to about AD 330, when Byzantine empress Helena had a small chapel and a fortified refuge for local hermits…
0.15 MILES
The alternative path to Mt Sinai's summit comprises the taxing 3750 Steps of Repentance, which begin outside the southeastern corner of St Catherine's…
0.02 MILES
Inside St Catherine's Monastery, this ornately decorated 6th-century church has a nave flanked by marble columns and walls covered in richly gilded icons…
18.43 MILES
St Katherine's Protectorate encompasses a rugged landscape of high-altitude desert. Amid this national park, enclosed within stark mountains, is a wealth…
24.69 MILES
To the south of Wadi Feiran, the 2070m Gebel Serbal (believed by early Christians to have been the real Mt Sinai) is a challenging six-hour hike to the…
0.02 MILES
Above the Well of Moses in St Catherine's Monastery is the superb Monastery Museum, which has been magnificently restored. It has displays (labelled in…
29.61 MILES
Tradition holds that these hot springs, about 5km from Al Tor, were one of the possible stopping points used by Moses and the Israelites on their journey…
Nearby attractions
0.02 MILES
Above the Well of Moses in St Catherine's Monastery is the superb Monastery Museum, which has been magnificently restored. It has displays (labelled in…
2. Church of the Transfiguration
0.02 MILES
Inside St Catherine's Monastery, this ornately decorated 6th-century church has a nave flanked by marble columns and walls covered in richly gilded icons…
0.02 MILES
This ancient monastery traces its founding to about AD 330, when Byzantine empress Helena had a small chapel and a fortified refuge for local hermits…
0.15 MILES
The alternative path to Mt Sinai's summit comprises the taxing 3750 Steps of Repentance, which begin outside the southeastern corner of St Catherine's…
1.21 MILES
Known locally as Gebel Musa, Mt Sinai is revered by Christians, Muslims and Jews, all of whom believe that God delivered his Ten Commandments to Moses at…
12.81 MILES
This spot amid the Sinai's high mountains is home to a sheikh’s tomb and Bedouin settlement. Due to the diverse mountain scenery on the trails leading…
18.43 MILES
St Katherine's Protectorate encompasses a rugged landscape of high-altitude desert. Amid this national park, enclosed within stark mountains, is a wealth…
24.69 MILES
To the south of Wadi Feiran, the 2070m Gebel Serbal (believed by early Christians to have been the real Mt Sinai) is a challenging six-hour hike to the…