Bakırcılar Çarşısı

Top choice in Gaziantep

Gaziantep's labyrinthine bazaar stretches between Hamdi Kutler Caddesi and Kundaracılar Çarşısı Sokak. There are a couple of entrances so just dive in and see where you're spat out. The tiny stores are home to metalworkers, shoemakers, spice hawkers and carpenters. The area includes the restored Zincirli Bedesten, with handicraft stores under its vaulted ceiling. To the south, in the Elmacı Pazarı area, is the original Güllüoğulu baklava shop, keeping dentists in business since 1871.

A little further south down Şehitler Caddesi you'll spy Tahmis Kahvesi, Gaziantep's most atmospheric kahvehane (coffeehouse).