Ollantaytambo Ruins in the Sacred Valley, Peru

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The Sacred Valley

Tucked under the tawny skirts of formidable foothills, the beautiful Río Urubamba Valley, known as El Valle Sagrado (the Sacred Valley), is about 15km north of Cuzco as the condor flies, via a narrow road of hairpin turns. It's worth exploring this peaceful, fetching corner of the Andes with colonial towns and isolated weaving villages. Star attractions are the markets and the lofty Inca citadels of Pisac and Ollantaytambo, but it's also packed with other Inca sites. Its myriad trekking routes are deservedly gaining in popularity. Adrenaline activities range from rafting to rock climbing.


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Offbeat adventures in Cuzco and Peru’s Sacred Valley

Feb 18, 2019 • 4 min read

Go Beyond

The Sacred Valley and beyond