Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe


Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, built in 1743, is León's only church that's oriented north–south; it's historically connected to the city by the 1850 Puente Guadalupe, built across the Río Chiquito.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby León attractions

2. Ruinas San Sebastián

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Built on a spiritually significant site for indigenous people, this 1742 church was wrecked during the Somoza's bombardment of León in 1979. You can still…

3. Museo de Leyendas y Tradiciones

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León’s most entertaining and eclectic museum is housed in La XXI (the 21st Garrison), decorated with murals graphically depicting methods the Guardia…

7. Capilla San Juan de Dios

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A Victorian-style chapel around the corner from Rubén Darío's one-time home, with a modernist, neoclassical exterior and appealing interior.

8. Catedral de León

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