Daily Grind


A neat little cafe at the east end of Durbar Sq, where you can grab a quick coffee or sit at the knee-bruising tables for a decent pizza. Also good for cool drinks, smoothies, momos and sandwiches.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Bhaktapur attractions

1. Tadhunchen Bahal

0.02 MILES

Walking east from Durbar Sq, you’ll pass the gateway to the restored Tadhunchen Bahal monastery, tucked between souvenir shops. This Buddhist temple is…

2. Stone Lions

0.02 MILES

Depending on what theory you subscribe to, this pair of massive, curly haired stone lions are either guarding the Royal Palace or the site of a long lost…

3. Fasidega Temple

0.03 MILES

The original Fasidega Temple was ruined in the 1934 quake, and its replacement was notable more as a landmark than for any great architectural merit. The…

4. Siddhi Lakshmi Temple

0.03 MILES

The attractive 17th-century stone Siddhi Lakshmi Temple stood by the southeastern corner of Bhaktapur palace until it collapsed in the 2015 earthquake…

5. 55 Window Palace

0.04 MILES

East of the Golden Gate is this palace featuring 55 intricately carved wooden windows stretching along its upper level.

6. Chyasilin Mandap

0.05 MILES

'Chyasilin' refers to the eight-cornered roof of this pavilion. It was rebuilt in 1990 using old photos and paintings and components from the original…

7. Golden Gate

0.05 MILES

The magnificent Golden Gate is a visual highlight of Durbar Sq. Set into a bright red gatehouse surrounded by white palace walls, the fabulous golden…

8. Naga Pokhari

0.05 MILES

Inside Bhaktapur's Royal Palace grounds, this 17th-century water tank is used for the ritual immersion of the idol of Taleju. The pool is encircled by a…