Must-see attractions in South of Mexico City

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    Pirámide de Tepozteco, built on the peak of the Sierra de Tepoztlan, Mexico.

    Pirámide de Tepozteco


    Tepoztlán's main sight is this 10m-high pyramid perched atop a sheer cliff at the end of a very steep paved path that begins at the end of Avenida del…

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    Santa Prisca Church, Taxco, Mexico.

    Templo de Santa Prisca


    The icon of Taxco, Santa Prisca is one of Mexico’s most beautiful and striking pieces of baroque architecture. Its standout feature (best viewed side-on)…

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    Museo Robert Brady


    Let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to be independently wealthy and spend their life traveling around the world collecting art for their lavish Mexican…

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    Museo Casa Figueroa


    A splendid, envy-inducing home-turned-museum, with an interesting collection of vintage art and craftwork from across Mexico, comes to life alongside…

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    South of Mexico City

    Atop a desolate plateau with views for miles around, Xochicalco is an impressive and relatively easy day trip from Cuernavaca that shouldn’t be missed. It…

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    Cacahuamilpa Caverns

    South of Mexico City

    One of central Mexico’s most stunning natural sights, the Cacahuamilpa caverns are a must-see for anyone visiting Taxco or Cuernavaca. The scale of the…

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    Catedral de Cuernavaca


    Cuernavaca’s cathedral, Templo de la Asunción de María is plain and solid with an unembellished facade. It stands in a large high-walled recinto (compound…

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    Palacio de Cortés


    Cortés’ imposing medieval-style fortress stands opposite the southeast end of the Plaza de Armas. This two-story stone palace was built in 1535 on the…

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    Jardín Borda


    This extravagant property, inspired by Versailles (though with mere park-like results), features gardens formally laid out in a series of terraces with…

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    Ex-Convento Domínico de la Natividad


    This monastery, situated east of the zócalo, and the attached church were built by Dominican priests between 1560 and 1588. The plateresque church facade…

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    Museo Juan Soriano


    Opened in 2018, this contemporary art museum is comprised of off-white cubes squatting a few blocks west of the zócalo. Temporary exhibits have included…

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    Museo de Arte Virreinal


    This charming, rather ragtag religious-art museum is housed in a wonderful old house. It hosts a small but well-displayed collection of art, labeled in…

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    Pirámide de Teopanzolco


    This very small archaeological site, 1km northeast of the center, actually has two pyramids, one inside the other. You can climb on the outer base and see…

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    Ex-Hacienda de San Juan Chinameca

    South of Mexico City

    In 1919 Zapata was lured into a fatal trap here by Colonel Jesús Guajardo, following the orders of President Venustiano Carranza, who was eager to…

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    Jardín Juárez


    Adjoining the northwest corner of the Plaza de Armas is the Jardín Juárez, where the central gazebo (designed by tower specialist Gustave Eiffel) houses…

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    Papalote Museo del Niño


    Built as part of a land deal with the city, this excellent children’s museum has an odd location in a shopping center beside a Costco, about 4km north of…

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    Ex-Convento de San Diego

    South of Mexico City

    In 1911 presidential candidate Francisco Madero embraced Emiliano Zapata at Cuautla’s old train station in the sprawling monastery grounds of Ex-Convento…

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    Ex-Cuartel General de Zapata

    South of Mexico City

    About 33km southwest of Cuautla, Tlaltizapán is the site of the excellent Ex-Cuartel General de Zapata, the main barracks of the revolutionary forces…

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    Museo Guillermo Spratling


    This well laid-out three-story history and archaeology museum is off an alley behind Templo de Santa Prisca. It contains a small collection of pre…

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    Casa Borda


    Built by José de la Borda in 1759, the Casa Borda serves as a cultural center hosting experimental theater and exhibiting contemporary sculpture, painting…

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    Plaza de Armas


    Cuernavaca's zócalo, Plaza de Armas, is flanked on the east by the Palacio de Cortés and giant 'Cuernavaca' letters, on the west by the Palacio de…

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    Museo Histórico del Oriente

    South of Mexico City

    The former residence of José María Morelos houses the Museo Histórico del Oriente. Each room here covers a different historical period with displays of…

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    This bright and inviting museum showcases handicrafts from Morelos, including life-size chinelos (costumed dancers with upturned chins from Morelos). Most…

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    Museo Regional Cuauhnáhuac


    The Palacio de Cortés houses this excellent museum, which has two floors of exhibits highlighting Mexican cultures and history. On the ground floor,…

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    Museo de la Lucha para la Tierra

    South of Mexico City

    In Anenecuilco, 6km south of Cuautla, what’s left of the adobe cottage where Zapata was born (on August 8, 1879) is now the Museo de la Lucha para la…

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    Palacio de Gobierno


    Although you can't enter the Palacio de Gobierno, it is a nice spot to contemplate some attractive architecture and enjoy the music outside. The baroque…

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    Museo de Arte Sacro


    In the main cathedral of Cuernavaca is the small Museo de Arte Sacro, a museum (opened in 2018) displaying 92 pieces of religious paintings, ornaments and…

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    Parroquia de Guadalupe


    A small Gothic church that shows its age and is all the more beautiful for it.

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