©Justin Foulkes/Lonely Planet
Pueblos Mancomunados
The Pueblos Mancomunados (Commonwealth of Villages) is eight remote villages (Amatlán, Benito Juárez, Cuajimoloyas, La Nevería, Lachatao, Latuvi, Llano Grande and Yavesía) protected under the umbrella of a unique and foresighted ecotourism project. Communally they offer great wilderness escapes and an up-close communion with Zapotec village life. More than 100km of high-country trails run between the villages and to local beauty spots and places of interest, and you can easily enjoy several days exploring them. Elevations in these hills range from 2200m to over 3200m, and the landscapes, with canyons, caves, waterfalls and panoramic lookouts, are spectacular.
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