Centro Histórico
As the seat of the federal branch of the Mexican government, the Palacio Nacional (National Palace) is home to the offices of the president of Mexico and…
Centro Histórico
As the seat of the federal branch of the Mexican government, the Palacio Nacional (National Palace) is home to the offices of the president of Mexico and…
Centro Histórico
The Torre Latinoamericana was Latin America’s tallest building when constructed in 1956, and remains the dominant focal point of Centro Histórico. It's an…
Centro Histórico
Before the Spaniards demolished it, the Aztec 'Great Temple' Teocalli of Tenochtitlán covered the site where the cathedral now stands, as well as the…
Coyoacán & San Ángel
Renowned Mexican artist Frida Kahlo was born in, and lived and died in, Casa Azul (Blue House), now a museum. Almost every visitor to Mexico City makes a…
Museo Casa Estudio Diego Rivera y Frida Kahlo
Coyoacán & San Ángel
If you saw the movie Frida (2002), you’ll recognize this museum, designed by Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera's friend, architect and painter Juan O’Gorman…
Museo Casa de León Trotsky
Coyoacán & San Ángel
The Trotsky home, now a museum, remains much as it was on the day when one of Stalin's agents, a Catalan named Ramón Mercader, caught up with the…
Mexico City
A cult developed around this site after a Christian convert named Juan Diego claimed in December 1531 that the Virgin Mary appeared before him on the…
Centro Histórico
One of Mexico City’s most iconic structures, this cathedral is a monumental edifice: 109m long, 59m wide and 65m high. Started in 1573, it remained a work…
Centro Histórico
This stately pedestrianized shopping avenue west of the Zócalo, linking Bellas Artes and the Zócalo, boasts a veritable catalog of architectural styles…
Mexico City
So named because it symbolizes the fusion of pre-Hispanic and Spanish roots into the Mexican mestizo identity, this plaza displays the architectural…
Centro Histórico
The heart of Mexico City is the Plaza de la Constitución. Residents began calling it the Zócalo, meaning ‘base,’ in the 19th century, when plans for a…
Mexico City
Hundreds of colorful trajineras (gondolas) await passengers at the village’s 10 embarcaderos to paddle you through the waterways dotted with birdlife and…
Centro Histórico
Every night the city’s mariachi bands belt out heartfelt ballads in this festive square. Wearing silver-studded outfits, they toot their trumpets and tune…
Polanco & Bosque de Chapultepec
Museo Jumex was built to house one of Latin America's leading contemporary art collections. Temporary exhibits draw on a collection of around 2600 pieces…
Museo Nacional de las Intervenciones
Mexico City
On August 20, 1847, Mexican troops defended this 17th-century former monsatery against US forces advancing from Veracruz in a dispute over the US…
Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco
Mexico City
The events that occurred before, during and after the 1968 massacre on Plaza de las Tres Culturas are chronicled in Memorial del 68, a compelling…
Ex-Convento Santo Desierto del Carmen
Mexico City
This weathered 17th-century former Carmelite monastery within the Parque Nacional Desierto de Los Leones provides an interesting glimpse of what it would…
Museo del Juguete Antiguo México
Mexico City
Mexican-born Japanese collector Roberto Shimizu has amassed more than a million toys in his lifetime, and this jumbled four-floor museum showcases about…
Mexico City
You can't miss the prominent spires of this university-run museum. Parts of the old building, made of forged iron from Düsseldorf, were brought over in…
Mexico City
On August 20, 1847, this former convent was the scene of a historic military defeat, when Mexican troops defended it against US forces advancing from…
Mexico City
One of the city's most cutting-edge contemporary art galleries, temporary exhibits here showcase the works of up-and-coming talent from Mexico and abroad…
Centro Histórico
Past the pedestrian corridor Gante stands the amazing Casa de los Azulejos. Dating from 1596, it was built for the Condes (Counts) del Valle de Orizaba…
Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso
Centro Histórico
Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco and David Siqueiros painted murals here in the 1920s. Most of the work on the main patio is by Orozco; look for the…
Polanco & Bosque de Chapultepec
Mexico's largest aquarium holds 1.6 million liters of water and 280 well-cared-for marine species, including barracuda, manta rays and five types of…
Zona Rosa & Reforma
A beautifully restored 1909 building houses Mundo Chocolate, a museum and store known as MUCHO celebrating all things chocolate. The permanent exhibit…
Polanco & Bosque de Chapultepec
A visible reminder of Mexico’s bygone aristocracy, the ‘castle’ that stands atop Chapultepec Hill was begun in 1785 but not completed until after…
Centro Histórico
In 1940 Mexican muralist José Clemente Orozco painted four panels around the 2nd level of the Supreme Court's central stairway, two dealing with the theme…
Museo de la Basílica de Guadalupe
Mexico City
The Museo de la Basílica de Guadalupe, at the rear of the Antigua Basílica, has a fine collection of colonial art interpreting the miraculous vision.
Centro Histórico
Smaller and less hectic than nearby Zócalo, this plaza has long served as a base for scribes and printers. Descendants of those who did the paperwork for…
Centro Cultural de España
Centro Histórico
The Centro Cultural de España always has a variety of cutting-edge art exhibitions going on, such as 'Vibraciones' where visitors 'listened' to music…
Polanco & Bosque de Chapultepec
Diego Rivera painted a series of murals for the inauguration of Cárcamo de Dolores, Chapultepec's waterworks facility built in the 1940s. Experimenting…
Plaza Hidalgo & Jardín Centenario
Coyoacán & San Ángel
The focus of Coyoacán life is its central plaza – actually two adjacent plazas: the Jardín Centenario, with the village’s iconic coyotes frolicking in its…
Zona Rosa & Reforma
The symbol of Mexico City, known as 'El Ángel' (The Angel), this gilded Winged Victory on a 45m-high pillar was sculpted for the independence centennial…
Coyoacán & San Ángel
In this tropically abundant, pruned park spreading east of Avenida Insurgentes, paths encircle the Monumento a Álvaro Obregón, a monolithic shrine to the…
Museo de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público
Centro Histórico
Sure, the name is a tough sell (yay, let's go to the Finance Secretariat Museum!), but it's actually a very interesting place. The museum shows off works…
Polanco & Bosque de Chapultepec
Someone ought to tell Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim that bigger isn't always better. Named after his late wife, this six-story behemoth (plated with 16…
Centro Histórico
More than just Mexico City’s central post office, this golden palace built in 1907 is an Italianate confection designed by the Palacio de Bellas Artes’…
Zona Rosa & Reforma
Opposite Torre Mayor, the 104m-high Estela de Luz was built to commemorate Mexico's bicentennial anniversary in 2010, though due to delays in construction…
Polanco & Bosque de Chapultepec
Historical exhibits chronicle the period from the rise of colonial Nueva España to the Mexican Revolution. On display are iconic objects such as the sword…
Coyoacán & San Ángel
Every Saturday the Bazaar Sábado brings masses of color and crowds of people to this San Ángel square, 500m west of Avenida Insurgentes. Museo Casa del…