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Valletta is Malta's lilliputian capital, built by the Knights of St John on a peninsula that's only 1km by 600m. Its founder decreed that it should be 'a city built by gentlemen for gentlemen', and it retains its 16th-century elegance. It may be small, but it's packed full of sights; when Unesco named Valletta a World Heritage site, it described it as 'one of the most concentrated historic areas in the world'.

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Travel;, Sea;, Building, Exterior;, Sliema;, Dome;, Valletta;, UNESCO, World, Heritage, Site;, Malta;, City;, History;, Long, Exposure;, Lighting;, Maltese, Islands;, Looking, At, View;, City, Life;, Panoramic;, No, People;, Cultures;, Outdoors;, Horizontal;, Architecture;, Skyline;, Mediterranean, Countries;, Built, Structure;, 2015;, Urban, Skyline;, Medieval, &, Renaissance, Music;, Waterfront;, European, Music;, Travel, Destinations;, Mediterranean, Culture;, Tower;, Old;, Social, History;, Famous, Place;, Dark;, Landscaped;, Europe;, Mediterranean, Sea;, Photography;, Cityscape;, Capital, Cities;, Capital;, Medieval;
Valetta city buildings with birds flying over them, Malta


The 18 best things to do in Valletta

Feb 6, 2025 • 13 min read

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