Just try to walk through Piazza del Popolo without trying to photograph it from every angle. The rectangular piazza is one of Umbria's finest medieval…
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A collage of soft-stone houses, palazzi and belfries pasted to a hillside, Todi looks freshly minted for a fairy tale. Wandering its steep backstreets is like playing a game of medieval snakes and ladders. The pace of life inches along, keeping time with the wildflowers and vines that bloom and ripen in the valley below.
Just try to walk through Piazza del Popolo without trying to photograph it from every angle. The rectangular piazza is one of Umbria's finest medieval…
With its never-finished facade and vaulted, light-filled Gothic interior, the 15th-century Chiesa di San Fortunato boasts fragments of frescoes by…
La Cattedrale di Santa Maria Annunziata
Todi's 12th-century Duomo sits at the head of Piazza del Popolo on the site of an earlier Roman temple. Its solemn square facade sports a magnificent…
Tempio di Santa Maria della Consolazione
Todi's architectural pride and joy is this stunning landmark church, attributed to Donato Bramante. Completed in 1607 outside the town's medieval walls,…
Housed in the striking 13th-century Palazzo del Capitano, this museum features an elegant triple window. It holds a fine, if hardly overwhelming,…
Climb the 14th-century bell tower of the Chiesa di San Fortunato for exhilarating views across the hills and castles surrounding Todi.
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