Olivastri Millenari di Santo Baltolu

Northeastern Sardinia

Signposted as 'olivastri millenari', this delightful off-the-beaten-track nature reserve shelters a group of wild olive trees that have been growing for millennia. Scientists from the University of Sassari have calculated that the biggest, measuring 20m in circumference and reaching a height of 14.5m, is about 3800 years old. Certainly, it’s quite a specimen, its gnarled and twisted trunk writhing upwards like something out of Lord of the Rings.

To get to the site from Sant’Antonio di Gallura, follow the road for Luras and Tempio Pausania then take the turning marked 'olivastri millenari'. After a further 10km or so, there’s a short, steep dirt track up to the left – the olivastri are at the top.