Palazzo dello Sport

This covered stadium was built for the 1960 Olympics and still hosts sporting and entertainment events today, with a capacity of around 12,000.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

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Over 5000 sea creatures, 30 tanks with more than one million gallons of water, a 360-degree glass tunnel for viewing sharks and stingrays, the list goes…

2. Roma Convention Centre

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Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas’ cutting-edge Roma Convention Centre: La Nuvola (2016) – the largest building to open in Rome in half a century – is a…

3. Obelisco di Marconi

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Done up in faux-Egyptian style, this soaring central EUR obelisk was a favourite of Mussolini's. It features the usual array of buff workers beavering…

4. EUR District

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This Orwellian quarter of wide boulevards and linear buildings was built for an international exhibition in 1942, and although war intervened and the…

5. Chiesa Santi Pietro e Paolo

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Work started on this enormous white travertine and umber brick pile in 1939 for the Esposizione Universale di Roma (Roman Universal Exhibition), but didn…

6. Museo della Civilta Romana

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Wouldn't you know it! The pick of the three seldom-visited museums on this weed-strewn rationalist square is closed for 'renovations'. But just in case it…

7. Palazzo dei Congressi

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Rome's Congress Palace was constructed for the 1942 Universal Exposition, and hosted the fencing during the 1960 Olympics. The enormous terrace above the…

8. Genius of Sport

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