

Along this unpretentious marina with its old fishing boats, piled fishing nets and haughty cats, half-a-dozen fine restaurants call out like mythological Sirens. You can't go wrong if you follow the day's catch into Caracalè, tucked away to the left as you face the sea, where the mussels and grilled swordfish slip down nicely with a chilled white wine.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Procida attractions

1. Abbazia di San Michele Arcangelo

0.21 MILES

Soak up the dizzying bay views at the belvedere before exploring the adjoining Abbazia di San Michele Arcangelo. Built in the 11th century and remodelled…

2. Spiaggia di Chiaia

0.65 MILES

Procida has limited beach appeal, but this long, narrow ribbon of brownish sand with views of Marina Corricella in the distance has a loyal local…

3. Isola di Vivara

2.25 MILES

Linked to Procida by pedestrian bridge, pocket-sized Vivara is what remains of a volcanic crater dating back some 55,000 years. The island is home to…

4. Piscina Mirabilis

3.49 MILES

You'll need to book (by phone) at least two hours ahead to visit the world's largest Roman cistern, but it's well worth the effort to stand in this…

5. Castello Aragonese


There are castles and then there’s Ischia’s Castello Aragonese, a veritable fort-city set on its own craggy islet, looking like a cross between Harry…

6. Santa Maria Assunta

4.25 MILES

A striking 15th-century watchtower, Torre del Mare, now serves as the bell tower to this church that is also Ischia’s cathedral. The current church,…

7. Museo del Mare

4.25 MILES

If you are an old salt at heart (or have a penchant for model ships), don’t miss Ischia’s maritime museum with its lovingly documented exhibits. Objects…

8. Spiaggia dei Pescatori

4.26 MILES

Wedged in between Ischia Porto and Ischia Ponte is the island's most down-to-earth seaside beach – think colourful vintage fishing boats, soccer matches…