Must-see attractions in Jerusalem

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    Israel, Jerusalem, Old Town, The Tower of David also known as the Jerusalem Citadel

    Tower of David


    First things first: despite being referred to as the 'Tower of David', the citadel dominating views as you enter Jaffa Gate started life as a palace of…

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    Jerusalem, Israel - July 26, 2015: Panorama of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre  - church in Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected.

    Church of the Holy Sepulchre


    Four magnificent arches, their lintels richly decorated with Crusader crosses, herald the entrance to one of Christianity's most sacred sites. The church…

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    JERUSALEM, ISRAEL JUNE 10 2015: Israeli Temple Mount policeman greets the locals under the arches near the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount on June 10 2015 in the Old City of Jerusalem Israel.; Shutterstock ID 408810679; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Middle East Online Highlights Update

    Temple Mount/Al Haram Ash Sharif


    There are few patches of ground as holy – or as disputed – as this one. Known to Muslims as Al Haram Ash Sharif (The Noble Sanctuary) and to Jews as Har…

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    People prays and walk in front of the western wall, wailing wall or kotel.

    Western Wall


    The air is electric at Judaism's holiest prayer site, where worshippers recite scriptures, lay their hands on 2000-year-old stone and utter impassioned…

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    500px Photo ID: 69901347 - Memorial site at Yad Vashem.

    Yad Vashem


    Israel's official memorial to the six million Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis is powerful, poignant and a masterpiece of design. The museum's name…

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    Israel Museum


    More than 5000 years of cultural treasures are assembled around the vast Israel Museum's indoor and outdoor galleries. Highlights are the titanic statues…

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    Israel, Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock. Unesco.

    Dome of the Rock


    The jewel in the crown of Temple Mount/Al Haram Ash Sharif is the gold-plated Dome of the Rock, the enduring symbol of the city and one of the most…

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    Mahane Yehuda Market


    All of Jerusalem meets in Mahane Yehuda, from first-time visitors to residents filling their trolleys with fruit and veg. Market tables are laden with…

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    Tourists visit the site of excavations in the Western Wall tunnels, on October 22, 2009 in Jerusalem?s old city, during a tour organized by the Israeli Government Press Office to deny claims that the Israeli Antiquity Authority is conducting excavations underneath the al-Aqsa mosque compound. AFP PHOTO/ MENAHEM KAHANA        (Photo credit should read MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images)

    Western Wall Tunnels


    Guided tours of the Western Wall tunnels offer an entirely different perspective on Herod's epic construction: visitors are led along a 488m passage…

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    Al-Aqsa Mosque, Temple Mount, Jerusalem, Israel, 21st March 2016; Shutterstock ID 601413530; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Israel Update 2017

    Al Aqsa Mosque


    While the Dome of the Rock serves more as a shrine than a mosque, Al Aqsa is a functioning house of worship, accommodating up to 5000 worshippers at a…

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    The house roofs are the best viewpoint, overlooking the huge building of the Dormition Abbey, with its clock tower and tiny belfries, Jerusalem, Israel.

    Church & Monastery of the Dormition


    With its round sandstone tower and graceful Romanesque-style arches, the Dormition Church is one of Jerusalem's most recognisable landmarks. The church…

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    Jerusalem - The gothic nave of St. Anne gothic church as the first station of Via Dolorosa or Via crucis.

    St Anne’s Church


    The finest example of Crusader architecture in Jerusalem, St Anne's was completed in 1138 on a site thought to have been the home of Joachim and Anne,…

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    Damascus Gate

    Damascus Gate


    The sights and sounds of the Muslim Quarter intensify on the approach to Damascus Gate, on the northern wall of the Old City. The gate's triangular…

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    Bible Lands Museum


    Attempting to join the dots between archaeological finds and events related in the Bible, this sizeable museum has one of the largest private collections…

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    JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - NOVEMBER  19, 2016 Cenacle Last Supper Room Crusader Building Jerusalem Israel.  Church later became Muslim Mosque.  Also located above the Tomb of King David.; Shutterstock ID 646754140; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Israel Update 2017

    Room of the Last Supper


    Medieval beliefs about the location of the Last Supper have embedded the Coenaculum (Latin for dining hall) in Christian tradition. Most historians agree…

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    St. Peter in Gallicantu Monastery on Zion Mount in Jerusalem; Shutterstock ID 267545036; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Israel Update 2017

    Church of St Peter in Gallicantu


    Looking almost as though it might wobble from its rocky perch, St Peter of Gallicantu occupies the site where Jesus is said to have been denied by his…

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    Jaffa Gate at Night - Jerusalem Old City; Shutterstock ID 594552767; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Israel Update 2017

    Jaffa Gate


    One of the city's six original gates built by order of Suleiman the Magnificent, Jaffa Gate has an imposing entryway that bends at an abrupt right angle…

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    Four Sephardi Synagogues


    This synagogue complex offers a taster of four places of worship, tightly packed together and able to be visited with a single ticket. The two oldest…

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    Via Dolorosa


    The road leading from Lions' Gate into the heart of the Old City is known as Via Dolorosa or the Stations of the Cross. It’s the route that many…

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    JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - DECEMBER 8: The Dung Gate, entrance to the Old City near the Western Wall on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel on December 8, 2016; Shutterstock ID 575368675; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Israel Update 2017

    Dung Gate


    The most convenient Old City gate for access to the Western Wall. The popular theory as to how this unflattering appellation came about is that at one…

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    The Hurva Synagogue. Old city Jerusalem, Jewish quarter, Israel. It was first founded in the early 18th century and destroyed by the Arab Legion in 1948. It has been newly rebuilt in march 2000. ; Shutterstock ID 546798607; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Israel Update 2017

    Hurva Synagogue


    To the local Jewish community, the reconstructed Hurva Synagogue is a symbol of resilience. The earliest synagogue on this spot was wrecked in the early…

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    Israel’s 120 lawmakers convene at the Knesset, a 1966 building belonging to the unfortunate multistorey-car-park school of architecture. Visitors can take…

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    JERUSALEM - JANUARY 2017:  Hadassah Hospital's synagogue is decorated with Chagall's colorful stained glass windows depicting the tribes of Israel, as seen in Jerusalem circa 2017.; Shutterstock ID 569671492; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Israel Update 2017

    Chagall Windows


    Intended as a gift of love and peace to the Jewish people, modernist artist Marc Chagall created 12 stained-glass panels for the synagogue of the Hadassah…

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    Old Town, Jewish Quarter

    Hurva Square


    The beating heart of the Old City's Jewish Quarter, Hurva Sq thrums with life: tourists rustle heritage maps of the city, children scamper around the…

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    Ethiopian Monastery


    Sequestered on the rooftop of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, this monastery houses a few monks from the Church of Ethiopia who live among the ruins of…

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    Zedekiah's Cave


    A good chunk of the limestone used to build the city above came from this 9000-sq-metre underground cavern. Used on and off from the Second Temple period…

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    Ramparts Walk


    For a rooftop perspective of this ancient city with inspiring views at every step, try this shade-free walk atop the Old City ramparts built by Suleiman…

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    Herzl Museum


    The history of the Zionist dream is detailed in the Herzl Museum, an idiosyncratic multimedia journey into the life of Theodor Herzl, the father of modern…

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    LA Mayer Museum for Islamic Art


    The LA Mayer Museum, on Rehavia's southern fringe, exhibits ornate treasures from across the Islamic art world: 11th-century glassware and Mamluk pottery…

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    Burnt House


    Buried under rubble for centuries and only recently excavated, this house was destroyed in 70 CE when the Romans put the city to the torch. The…

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    Monastery of the Cross


    The origins of this fortified monastery are cloaked in mystery. It is believed that Jesus's cross was constructed from wood grown in this valley, leading…

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    Lions' Gate


    This easterly gate of Jerusalem's Old City points towards the Mount of Olives and Gethsemane. Although originally called Bab Al Ghor (Jordan Valley Gate),…

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    St Andrew’s Church


    Towering like a Highland castle, St Andrew's Church has been a small corner of Scotland ever since its first stone was laid in 1927. The so-called …

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    St James’ Cathedral


    Accessible only during services, the interior of this 12th-century cathedral is infused with incense smoke. Blue-and-white tiles and glittering icons…

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    King David’s Tomb


    Erected by Crusaders two millennia after King David's death, this ground-floor tomb is of dubious authenticity but is nonetheless a holy place for Jews…

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    Tisch Zoological Gardens


    Spare your kids the agony of visiting another treasure of antiquity and let them loose in the Biblical Zoo, a 25-hectare park in the southwest of the city…

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    Church of St John the Baptist


    This is the oldest church in Jerusalem, built in the mid-5th century and restored after the Persians destroyed it in 614. It is accessed from Christian…

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    Grave of Oskar Schindler


    Austrian industrialist Oskar Schindler (1908–74) earned the honorific of Righteous Among the Nations, awarded by Israel to non-Jews who risked their lives…

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    Heichal Shlomo Museum


    The severe-looking building on King George V St is the 1950s-designed seat of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, and now home to the Wolfson Museum's…

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