Hótel Geirland

Southeast Iceland

About 2.5km north of the village (on Rte 203), Geirland sits at the base of emerald hills and has a collection of 40 rooms – the newer block has fresher facilities. There's an on-site dinner restaurant. The hotel has been newly acquired by tour company Arctic Adventures, so there are renovations and a possible name change (Adventure Hotel) in the works.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Southeast Iceland attractions

1. Kirkjugólf

1.37 MILES

The basalt columns of Kirkjugólf (Church Floor), smoothed down and cemented with moss, were once mistaken for an old church floor rather than a work of…

2. Steingrímsson Memorial Chapel

1.74 MILES

The triangular, distinctly atypical wood-and-stone chapel at the heart of the village was consecrated in 1974. It commemorates Jón Steingrímsson’s …

3. Systrafoss & Systravatn

1.93 MILES

At the western end of the village, the lovely double waterfall, Systrafoss, tumbles down the cliffs and a sign outlines three short walks in the pretty…

4. Landbrotshólar

2.23 MILES

West of the village and south of the Ring Road is this vast, dimpled, vivid-green pseudocrater field. Pseudocraters formed when hot lava poured over…

5. Systrastapi

2.76 MILES

Religious connections are particularly strong around Klaustur. The prominent, stumpy rock pillar Systrastapi, near the line of cliffs about 1.5km west of…

6. Fjaðrárgljúfur

4.59 MILES

This darkly picturesque canyon, carved out by the river Fjaðrá, has been well and truly discovered, thanks to Instagrammers and one Justin Bieber (who…

7. Fagrifoss

6.77 MILES

Fagrifoss (Beautiful Falls) is not a misnomer: this waterfall must be one of Iceland’s most bewitching, with rivulets of water pouring over a massive…

8. Foss á Siðu

10.15 MILES

This waterfall, 11km east of Kirkjubæjarklaustur on the Ring Road, is a head-turning cascade that normally tumbles down from the cliffs. During especially…