A fantasy constructed out of the imaginary life of a wealthy Levantine. With an eclectic interior that is all grand tiled floors, intricate wooden ceilings and walls graced with a quirky mix of art deco, Minoan and Egyptian art, La Maison Bleue exudes both opulence and decadence. Suites are enormous and supremely comfortable with distinctive early-20th-century styling fit for royalty.
Like at home, you need to spend time at La Maison Bleue to appreciate it best. Service is flawless but not imposing. The restaurant serves some of the best food in the area, with an emphasis on local ingredients and Mediterranean inspiration. There's a sweep of private beach out front, and if a long, hard day on the sand gets too much, the hotel's pool and gloriously sumptuous spa and hammam will soothe your sun-frazzled soul. If you're out to impress your other half with a romantic getaway, you really can't go wrong here.