In what was once the poorhouse, peruse over 500 ships-in-bottles representing the amazing life’s work of Peter Jacobsen, nicknamed ‘Bottle Peter’.
Lonely Planet's must-see attractions
20.07 MILES
Complete with moat and drawbridge, Egeskov Slot is a magnificent example of the lavish castles that sprang up during Denmark’s 'Golden Age'. Though still…
15.4 MILES
Built in 1952–53, this complex of gun emplacements dug into the Langeland fields was designed to delay an assumed Warsaw Pact invasion if the Cold War…
14.16 MILES
This highly thought-provoking 'welfare museum' is housed in Svendborg's old poorhouse, within which paupers lived segregated by sex, as virtual prisoners…
0.09 MILES
In a still-active mini ship-repair yard with century-old boats on the rear slipways, this memorable hands-on activities experience lets you hammer your…
14.1 MILES
Sejlskibsbroen is a jetty lined with splendidly preserved wooden sailing ships, including some multimasted schooners, all seaworthy and making regular…
13.35 MILES
Ideal as a boat-trip excursion from Svendborg, this lavish palace is crammed with antique furniture, Venetian glass, 17th-century Gobelin tapestries and…
5.56 MILES
Around 3km southeast of Søby, this complex of historic buildings offers children's nature-based activities, annually changing exhibitions and hosts around…
13.89 MILES
Spired and moated but more modest than many other publically accessible country manor houses, Skovsgaard is part nature-education centre, part organic…
Nearby attractions
0.06 MILES
For now, this little museum is a classic clutter of domestic ethnographic items, ship paintings, furniture and glass cases that rattle as you walk by on…
0.07 MILES
Our favourite of Ærøskøbing’s lovable trio of little museums, half-timbered Hammerichs Hus is a gnarled, old hobbit-hole of a cottage, packed with…
0.09 MILES
In a still-active mini ship-repair yard with century-old boats on the rear slipways, this memorable hands-on activities experience lets you hammer your…
3.48 MILES
On the south coast of Ærø, around halfway across the island, tall banks of grassy moraine aren't exactly 'cliffs' but they make for great sunset-viewing…
5. Marstal Søfartsmuseum
5.01 MILES
You'll need an hour or two to do justice to this packed-full maritime museum with countless model ships, paintings, sea chests and grippingly realistic…
5.56 MILES
Around 3km southeast of Søby, this complex of historic buildings offers children's nature-based activities, annually changing exhibitions and hosts around…
9.86 MILES
Pop a coin in the honesty box to climb this 19th-century, granite-block lighthouse. The viewing platform surveys surrounding golf greens and seascapes…
12.15 MILES
Blooming with hollyhocks, the two thatched cottages fronting this local history museum create a scene that's chocolate-box quaint even when the doors are…