Nomad Homestay

Top choice in Sichuan

Organised by the Khampa Nomad Ecolodge, this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to stay with a genuine nomad family in their tent. Don't expect anything about the experience to be comfortable. It will, however, leave you with stories you'll one day recount to your grandchildren.

You will be sleeping on the floor cuddled up next to the rest of the family. The toilet is the great outdoors and if you want a shower then you'll have to wait until it rains... It's unlikely you will share a common language (guides/translators are available for ¥240). Your hosts will prepare simple, but delicious, traditional meals.

We hardly need to tell you that the nomads move around and may sometimes not be camping in the vicinity. It's best to reserve in advance.

A word of warning: no matter how cute they might look, do NOT approach the nomads' dogs.